Decluttering Your Life

The other day I got the urge to clean out some of the drawers in my closet. This got me to thinking. We all talk about spring cleaning every time we finally make it through the winter months. It’s the time of year where we open the windows and let out all the stale air. We go through closets and cleanout what no longer fits and those things that have out lived their useful life for us.

The real question is: why do we wait until spring to declutter?

This led me to think about the fact that when it comes to decluttering, we forget to take the time to declutter our mind, emotions and those limiting beliefs that are holding us back. We don’t clean out the friends that are no longer a positive influence on our life, those people who hold us back more than they help us move forward. I don’t think that we should only go through the decluttering process once a year. As humans, we are more complex than that. It is also, as I have discovered, easier to conquer decluttering in small increments throughout the year. It is less overwhelming and easier to make decisions because you are not in decision overload at that point.

We all spend time focusing on our physical health but taking the time to declutter our mind and focusing on our mental health is just as critical, if not more so, to the success we achieve in life, relationships and work. Some questions to ask yourself are:
• What is holding me back?
• If I let go of “X” what new will come in to my life?
• What can I do to make sure I am helping declutter my mind to allow for my positive mental well-being?

I would recommend taking at least one day every three months to take the time for yourself to declutter your mind (marking it on your calendar if it helps). Whether it is going out in to nature to just really reconnect with yourself, meditating, finding someone that can help you remove those limiting beliefs that may be being stubborn in letting go, going to a seminar on ways to help move forward, or even a splurge of doing a spa day, etc. The possibilities are endless. But remember to take the time to not just declutter the things that no longer serve you but to declutter your mind of those things that are no longer helping you move forward or that may be holding you back or allowing you to self-sabotage without realizing it!

If you have any questions or don’t know where to start feel free reach out to me via email at [email protected].

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7 thoughts on “Decluttering Your Life”

  1. Great thoughts for 2018. Something we should do, but quickly put it out of our mind and move on with our hectic lives.
    Thanks for the reminder.

  2. So often we talk about quarterly goals in business, quarterly reports, quarterly profits, quarterly gains, etc., but we don’t talk about setting quarterly goals for self enrichment. This is a great idea, one can not really reach annual New Years resolutions without check up on them at least quarterly. Decluttering one’s mind should be a quarterly endeavor. You provided a helpful suggestion to post reminders on the calendar. Thanks for sharing your blog.

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