By: Elizabeth Weihmiller
I had the pleasure of spending the evening with the one and only Nido Qubein the other night. For those that don’t know who he is, Google him you’re missing out. For those of you who do, you know the impact Nido has and the knowledge he wields. Anyways he was discussing multiple things but what stood out to me was Authenticity.
Now what he was saying is that people respond better to someone who is authentic more so then a charismatic person.
Think about that for a minute. Why do you think people respond better to the authentic person? I know why I always respond better to the authentic person.
What does it mean to be authentic? It means being the most genuine and real you. Not adapting to fit your audience or trying to be something your just not. Through the work we do with individuals we know that the majority of people are constantly walking around with an “invisible mask” on in order to protect themselves. (As a side note and the good news… we have the ability to through a process we use to remove the mask to truly be yourself all the time.)
Why is authenticity so important today? Think about a time when you were dealing with someone who was not authentic. How did they make you feel? When humans get into a mode of fear they go into survival mode – what do I need to do to protect myself? To make sure I put dinner on the table? To pay my bills? It’s amazing how fear motivates. (By the way we have a process to eliminate that too!) What you don’t realize is that if you are your most genuine self you begin to just find your way to your purpose. The right people are just attracted to you and drawn to you.
When you have a purpose that is your passion, it shows. When your passionate you have energy, you take action. When you take action it can lead to success and when you achieve success you can work your way to significance. Through all of this you have to be your most authentic self and people begin to know you and feel like they have a personal connection to you. It all goes back to the other theory around people buy people.
Take a minute and think about: How could becoming the most authentic you be a benefit?