JD Vance – Republican Nominee for Vice President of the United States

JD Vance is the Republican party’s nominee for Vice President of the United States of America. He was born on August 2, 1984 at 8:11 am in Middletown, Ohio. He has a wife and three children. He met his wife while they were in Yale Law School. He is a lawyer and venture capitalist. He then became a Senator for the state of Ohio before securing the Vice Presidential nomination from President Trump.

Let’s take a look at what his chart shows us.

JD is a Leo ascendant and he has Mercury in his first house. Mercury in his first house gives him the capacity to learn and process information constantly. Communication will always play a big role in his life. He can have a sense of humor and likely feels that connecting people is important. Travel will play a role in his life and will keep him on the move. He is someone who has the ability to debate and he will question things. He could criticize others or be hard to please – he has high standards for himself and because of this he has high expectations of others. He can have a good memory. He is confident and can be well known in his field. He is ambitious and thinks big. He can be an inspiriting speaker or writer. He can benefit from working in large corporations or government positions. He will need to watch his temper as he could get angry quickly. The ruler of his first house is the Sun and it goes to his twelfth house which indicates that his early life could have been difficult. He could have been shyer as a child. He is someone who will need his solitude to regain his sense of balance. He can be charitable in his approach to life. Mercury rules his second house and being in the first house indicates that he can have a strong earning capacity and good ability to handle money. He has the ability to influence others through his voice and words. He is someone who is inclined to study and gather data prior to making decisions and taking action. He will look to make money through his own efforts. Mercury also rules his eleventh house and being in the first indicates that he can get advantages and opportunities throughout his life through connections and well-placed individuals. He is someone who can create a positive environment with fresh ideas and a hopeful vision. He may sometimes come up with ideas that are too far ahead for the times. His ascendant is placed in the lunar mansion Magha indicating he is big hearted. He is someone who can enjoy the finer things in life. He is likely to honor traditions. This can indicate his coming into or being in leadership roles in his life as he has the capacity to be a strong leader. He has a generous heart and deep loyalty. He does need to watch that he does not let his ego take over.

His second house is Virgo and he has the Moon in his second house. Moon in the second house can indicate a childhood that had many changes and disruptions, lacking a sense of peace and security. His family could have been under financial stress or circumstances that caused unrest. This position of the Moon indicates his mother could have faced mental turmoil or was under duress. He can be a sweet speaker and gently persuasive. He is someone who has a defined set of standards for himself. He is honest, discriminating and has a sharp memory. He can be compassionate. He may sometimes get too into his head. He can be critical and set expectations too high. The Moon rules his twelfth house and in the second house can indicate that he could face financial losses throughout his life. A difficult childhood led to insecurities he needs to work on. He could have a temperamental personality and so will need to be aware of this and work on it. Moon is in the lunar mansion of Chitra indicating that he can have skills in business. He is someone who will be well dressed and groomed. He is likely drawn to serious subjects such as philosophy and social thought. He can possess charisma and a personal charm. He can be a good conversationalist. He is someone who could be motivated by opportunities outside his place of birth. He needs to be cautious as he can be overly critical at times and may be too quick to challenge others point of views.

His third house is Libra and he has Saturn and Mars in his third house. Saturn is very strong in Libra. It can make someone a workaholic. Saturn in his third house can make him determined, deliberate and systematic. He is someone who will be nice in a formal way. He can have good concentration and focus. He is someone who will present his ideas logically. He is a hard worker and self-sufficient. He will have a serious focus and deep responsibility to express things in a meaningful way, meaning he may not always say the most words but the words he says will be important. This can indicate him being an only child or having no connection to his siblings. He may not always deal as well with ambiguity. Saturn rules his sixth house and in the third house indicates he can be very determined and courageous. He will often succeed through the effort he puts in. He could be in jobs related to selling, legal or defense industries. He has a strong drive to overcome obstacles that come his way. Saturn also rules his seventh house and being in the third house indicates that he could have met his spouse through school or college. He could attract partners who are determined and courageous in their own right. Saturn is in the lunar mansion of Swati indicating him as a businessman. He can see financial and business success as a part of his life. He is blessed with the art of communication. He is someone who is curious and eager to learn. He can be flexible and vulnerable. He is someone who seeks harmony in the things he does. Others may underestimate his intelligence.

Mars in the third house gives him a drive and ambition to win and be the best. Mars in the third house can bring issues with siblings especially brothers. He can have an active mind. He can be courageous, determined and have strong persuasive skills. He can be good at selling. He is a quick learner with the ability to accomplish things quickly. He can be energetic, confident, persuasive and self-reliant. He is likely to be friendly to all those he meets. He can be strategic in his thinking. He may not always be open to advice and will need to work on this. He also will need to work on his temper as he could have a short fuse so it will be finding outlets for his temper. He could be impatient. Mars rules his ninth house and in the third house indicates that world travel and learning will be a major part of his life. He can have good writing skills. He has strong courage and determination. With this position he can have strong persuasive and speaking skills. He could benefit through publishing. He can be visionary. He may want changes and new ideas to occur too quickly and he should take the time to think through his ideas fully before presenting them. Mars is in the lunar mansion of Vishakha indicating he can get a good partner in marriage. He can benefit from marriage, traveling and through change. He has the ability to concentrate on his goals and overcome obstacles. He can be competitive and won’t give up until he achieves his goals. He may at times be overly talkative and will need to ensure he is truly listening.

Mars and Saturn conjunct in the same third house indicates that he has high energy and will do better with a lot of activity and physical movement. He can be good at jobs that involved a bit of risk and aggression. He has courage and stamina. With this he can be direct and this directness mixed with this high energy gives him the skill in getting people to come up with results. For some he may come across as too intense.

In his fourth house, Scorpio, is the node of the Moon, Ketu. Ketu in the fourth house can leave JD with a sense of loss around home, family and his mother. He may constantly seek to build security at home. He is likely to change residences more frequently. He could have been separated from his mom in his childhood. He can have a quick mind. He can be intuitive. He may receive support from surprising sources. He is someone who takes fast action. Mars rules his fourth house and is in his third house indicating that his family life and upbringing could have been contentious and he could have been surrounded by many fights and arguments. He can get good fixed assets through effort and perseverance. Ketu is in the lunar mansion of Anuradha indicating that he can come across as outwardly buoyant and fun-loving. He will benefit more living away from his place of birth. He could be obstructed by those who are envious of him. He can be focused on his goals with great leadership and organization skills. He has the capacity to work well in large groups of people. This can bring a harder relationship with his mother.

His fifth house is Sagittarius and he has Jupiter the ruler of this sign in its own sign. Jupiter in the fifth house indicates that he can have a very expansive and open-minded approach to life always holding on to the positive view. For him positive thinking will bring positive results. This placement gives him a bright mind and keen intelligence. He can be a successful businessperson and leader. He can find success in speculation. He can have good children and be good with children. Others may view him as disingenuous. He can be trustworthy and influential. He has the capacity to inspire and lead others. He is well spoken with an expansive attitude. He is socially adept and has a sense of humor. He will work to meet his commitments fully. He has to be cautious not to become overly optimistic. Jupiter rules his fifth house and in the fifth house indicates that he has a strong intelligence that directs his life with clear intentions and focus. He can be an advisor in his field of expertise. He can be good at weighing the pros and cons before taking risks. He can be a successful investor or speculator. Jupiter also rules his eighth house and in the fifth house indicates that he can have a great depth to his mind. He can may enjoy solving mysteries. Jupiter is retrograde at his time of birth indicating that he may enjoy finding good deals. He can be successful in disaster situations as he won’t pay attention to how things won’t work but will just look to find the solution and solve the problem. Jupiter is in the lunar mansion of Mula indicating he has a passionate nature that wants to get to the bottom of things. He can be good at researching. He could have faced a profound sense of loss that forced him to look within and transform his experiences into powerful lessons that make him stronger. He is someone who is determined to succeed. He can be viewed by others as arrogant.

His tenth house is Taurus and in it is the other node of the Moon, Rahu. Rahu in the tenth house can give a drive and ambition that can come quickly. Success could come from an unusual career. He has a deep-seated insecurity that drives him to prove himself. His father could have had addictions such as alcohol. He may do work that is confidential or secret. His career and finances grow over time. He may at times be confused about his purpose in life. His father may have been a stranger for part of his life. He can have a liking for foreigners and may be an advocate for the misplaced, misrepresented and neglected people in the world. He revels in solving puzzles and taking on challenges. He may enjoy taking an unconventional approach. Venus rules his tenth house and is in his twelfth house indicating that he could have work that includes foreign job assignments or working behind the scenes in large institutions like government. He may struggle with sleep because of stress and worrying about his work. Rahu is in the lunar mansion of Rohini indicating that he can be a good communicator and listener. He has an inner strength and is oriented towards truth. He can have a sharp, steady mind. He is well educated and can earn a good living. He will be someone who continually learns throughout his life. He wants to help others grow. He may be stubborn and overly analytical at times. He has the ability to rise to the top and achieve is desires and goals.

In his twelfth house, Cancer, are the Sun and Venus. Sun in the twelfth house can indicate that he could have a loss of self-esteem. It indicates him having a harder relationship with his father. He can have a love of investigating the past or history. He can have a love of mystery and intrigue. He does have a need to maintain his privacy and may need solitude to refresh and reset. He can be charitable. He is someone who will travel abroad. He can be sensitive and economical. He can have a good memory. He has a strong focus on his family. Venus in the twelfth house indicates that he can have a good sense of self and happiness. Venus is the only planet that does well in the twelfth house. It can bring prosperity. He can be very giving and unselfish. He will seek solitude to rejuvenate. He will lead a comfortable life. He can be deeply caring and emotionally open. He is likely to phrase negativity in a constructive and positive manner. Venus rules his third house and in the twelfth house indicates that travels to foreign countries will be essential for his work. He can have a great interest in other cultures. There could be a sense of loss around his siblings. Both the Sun and Venus are in the lunar mansion of Ashlesha indicating that he can accomplish things when motivated and gain good wealth. He may struggle with hearing criticism.

As always it will be interesting to see how the presidential elections play out but I would say this will not be the last we see or hear of JD Vance.

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