Kamala Harris – Vice President of the United States of America and Nominee for President of the United States in 2024

by: Elizabeth Weihmiller

Kamala Harris was born on October 20, 1964 at 9:28pm in Oakland, California. She was an Attorney General, from 2011 to 2017, and a Senator, from 2017 – 2021, for the state of California before serving as the Vice President of the United States from 2020 to 2024. She is at this point in time the Democratic Nominee for President of the United States in the 2024 election. She graduated from Howard University and then from the University of California, San Francisco, College of Law. She early on served as a County District Attorney, DA for San Francisco and city attorney for San Francisco.

Let’s dig into her chart to see what it has to say about her.

When we look at her chart, she has her Ascendant in Gemini. As a Gemini ascendant she has a love of family and is connected closely with her mother. She has a curious and intellectual quality. Education was likely to be highly encouraged during her early childhood. She has a great energy and life force and may have an athletic aptitude. She may have met her spouse through her career. On her ascendant is the node of the Moon, Rahu. It is at the exact degree of her ascendant which will make it very powerful and give her life almost a fated destiny. Her life will be one of intensity. She has the ability to build success in alliances with others. She is likely focused on developing her personal power and wealth. Her mind is geared towards innovation. She wants to achieve things quickly and will pursue her goals with passion. She can be self-seeking only looking out for her own self-interest and advancement. Some may perceive her as two-faced at times or as having two personalities based on the situation they meet her in. The ruler of her first house is Mercury and it is in her fifth house. This gives her a powerful desire for self-expression. She has a good intellect. She will need to be cautious to not get in trouble with the government when it comes to taxes or the IRS. Kamala’s ascendant and Rahu are in the lunar mansion of Mrigashira. This is considered to be a lunar mansion that is restless and constantly searching or looking for something. It can make her an intelligent investigator with a mentally sharp mind. She is someone who may enjoy talking and speaking. She could be overly critical.

In her second house, Cancer, she has Mars. Mars is debilitated, meaning it is at its weakest state. With this placement she is likely to blurt out her opinions without thinking them through. When speaking there will be times that she can be cutting and offensive. This placement likely caused problems in early childhood with her parents fighting a lot and the potential for them divorcing. She is very ambitious with her drive to achieve her financial goals and can get money in bursts. She is an active speaker and earns her own way. Her voice is one that can influence the masses. She can earn money through careers related to defense or legal activities. She could have issues with debt at some point in her life. Mars is in the lunar mansion of Ashlesha indicating that she can be clever, although this may not always be a good thing. She can accomplish things when she is motivated to. She is someone who will put her energy into those things that interest her. She is someone who may not enjoy rules and can struggle with hearing criticism.

She has one of the most powerful connections for money with the ruler of her eleventh house of great gains, Mars, in her second house of money that she earns from her career. This is magnified even more as the ruler of her second house, Moon, is in her eleventh house of great gains. These planets are in a relationship called parivartana. They gain strength by switching into each other’s signs. Any time one is activated the other gets activated at the same time. Money could bring unforeseen problems. She can have good liquid assets. In her life. This connection will bring her many opportunities and good breaks. She will always seem to be able to make money.

In her third house, Leo, is Venus. When looking at her Venus it is also in a parivartana relationship with the ruler of her third house, the Sun. The Sun in turn is in Libra, which Venus is ruler of. Again, this makes these two very strong because when a transit triggers one of the planets the other will also be triggered. This combination makes her a good writer with the potential for writing many books and articles throughout her life. It can make her creative and give her a love and appreciation of the arts. Her younger sister may also be creative. She will have a lot of trips that are of short duration throughout her life. She is someone who is persuasive and very good at communicating with others doing it with charm and grace. Venus in Leo shows she is someone that will work in the public eye. She is someone who has a strong desire to pass on valuable information. Venus is in the lunar mansion of Purva Phalguni indicates her ability to communicate and influence others. She could become reckless and focused too much on getting what she wants. She is someone who can be vindictive if hurt but it will not be in a confrontational way. With this lunar mansion she has a need to watch out for extremes.

In her fifth house, Libra, is Sun and Mercury. This can make her very bright and give her a strong sense of herself and confidence in her abilities. She has the potential to be considered an advisor for her particular field. She may have limited or no children. She can come across as very domineering. She has a strong desire to share information with others. She is a gifted storyteller who is persuasive and can be very competitive. She is someone that can make exacting demands and be very cold. She has the potential to not do what she committed to people to suit her own purpose. In this same vein she has the potential to agree to things and then just do what she wants even if it’s different from what she agreed to. She has the ability to have a good approach to saving money. She will need to be cautious though as she could have potential for problems with the IRS because of the placement of her Sun. Her Sun is in the lunar mansion of Chitra indicating she is someone who is well dressed and groomed. She is likely to be drawn to serious subjects of philosophy and social thought. She possesses a natural charisma that attracts others to her. She can be overly critical at times and will need to keep an eye on this tendency. She also can be too quick to challenge someone’s point of view. Mercury is in the lunar mansion Swati indicating that her name can be one we all know. She is someone who will strive for independence throughout her life. She needs to be cautious as she could give too much away and others may try to take advantage of her.

In her seventh house, Sagittarius, is Ketu. She can have excellent business sense and can have a partner who is flexible and innovative. Her partner may also do something with the law. She may find herself exhausted from constant traveling. She will need to work on ways to offset this. Kamala is someone who is drawn to high intellectual undertakings. She can have a separation from her father such as the result of divorce. Ketu is in the lunar mansion of Mula indicating she can have a passionate nature to get to the bottom of things. She has to be careful as she needs to ensure she doesn’t get caught up in blaming others or her environment. She can have a cruel and sharp side. She can be skillful in persuading people to help with her goals and objectives. She needs to be aware that she could be perceived as arrogant.

In her ninth house, Aquarius, is Saturn. Saturn rules Aquarius and is at home in the sign. She will use a structured approach and is someone who is more scientific and analytical. She is very deliberate in her choices and will focus more on the work or projects than the people involved. Her father is someone who may have been very controlling or had many rules in place. She is organized and legal minded. She has the potential to inherit her fathers’ wealth. She can work well with people in power which can help her build her wealth. She may have felt neglected by her father as a child, feeling he didn’t pay enough attention to her. She can be great at publishing or as a lawyer. Saturn is in the lunar mansion of Dhanishta indicating she can earn a good living and that she believes in charitable giving for the causes she believes in. She could withhold information or understate matters. She has the potential to be overly talkative. She has the potential to be argumentative. This position can delay marriage. She needs to be cautious not to become greedy or self-absorbed.

In her eleventh house, Aries, is the Moon. She is able to make quick decisions, she is self-assured and has a youthful disposition and appearance. She is someone who may not want to take advice. She will need to be cognizant of her health as she can be prone to burnout. For her, friendships can be valuable as a stepping stone but may be more superficial in nature. She is a dreamer with high ideals. Kamala is someone who will be well connected socially. Her Moon is in the lunar mansion of Ashwini indicating that she can have a zeal or zest for life. She can have a restless and impatient nature with the potential to rush off without planning ahead. She can be stubborn. She could have a desire to go fast so would need to watch her speed while driving. She can have the desire to do things her own way.

Lastly in her twelfth house, Taurus, is Jupiter. She can be a spendthrift. She has an intense desire to help others and she can have an inability to have children. She can be very lawful, diplomatic and knowledgeable. She may have connections with foreigners or do well in foreign lands. Careers can involve work in large institutions such as government or large corporations. She is someone committed to her responsibilities but will need to make sure not to shortcut them as this could lead to fines. Jupiter is in the lunar mansion of Krittika indicating that she has a determined and tenacious will to achieve. She can be passionate but also stubborn. This position can bring the potential for ups and downs in life. She needs to be cautious as she may not always be open to advice and she can respond too quickly to challenges. She can have a cutting wit and critical sarcasm. It can indicate that with the right transits rising to places of fame and prominence.

What transits triggered her marriage? What transits triggered her electoral win for Attorney General in 2010? 2014? What could have triggered her being Joe Bidens pick as his Vice Presidential Candidate? What will the transits be on November 5, 2024 when the Presidential Elections occur?

Kamala married her husband, Douglas Emhoff, on August 22, 2014. At that time, she was in Maha Dasha Rahu and sub-dasha Rahu. This can be a time for her to get married as Rahu sends its energy, by opposition, to her seventh house of partnerships. This happens both in her birth chart and her Navamsha, which looks at the spouse. Transiting Venus was conjunct her natal Mars, which can make for a love connection. Transiting Saturn was sending its energy to her seventh house of partnerships. Transiting Rahu was sending its energy to her natal Jupiter which is the ruler of her seventh house. Transiting Jupiter was conjunct her natal Mars. Transiting Mars was also sending its energy to her natal Jupiter. She has six different hits that indicate she could get married. When looking we try to find at least three hits.

She won her spot as Attorney General of California in November 2010. It was not a cut and dry election as voting occurred on November 2, 2010 and a winner was not determined until November 24. Let’s look at what transits were occurring. On both dates Transiting Rahu was sending its energy to her eleventh house of great gains which houses her natal Moon. Her Moon helped expand her fame and her money as it is ruler of her second house of income. Transiting Jupiter was sending its energy to her first house and her natal Rahu, expanding her opportunities.

She was re-elected on November 4, 2014. At this time transiting Jupiter was in her second house of money from her work and it was exalted during this transit, making it very strong. Transiting Jupiter was also sending its energy to her tenth house of career. This would expand opportunities for her. Transiting Rahu was sending its energy, by opposition, to her tenth house of career. Transiting Mars was also sending its energy by its fourth aspect to her tenth house of career giving her the drive and ambition to achieve her goals and continuing getting ahead.

On August 11, 2020 Joe Biden announced that he had chosen Kamala as his running mate for the position of Vice President of the United States of America. At this time transiting Jupiter was sending its energy to her eleventh house of great gains and her natal Moon. Making her name even more known and giving her great gains. It was also sending its energy to her natal Rahu in her first house. This gives opportunities. Transiting Rahu was conjunct her natal Rahu which is called a nodal return. This is a huge time of change for someone. Her life will never be the same after this. Transiting Saturn was sending its energy to her tenth house of career giving her the ability to work hard and use the discipline to achieve her career goals. Transiting Mars was in her tenth house of career bringing ambition, drive and motivation.

On November 5, 2024 the day of the 2024 Presidential Election transiting Jupiter will be retrograde in her 12th house of foreign connections. Jupiter transiting the 12th house can be a period of endings and bringing a chapter of her life to a close. It could be anything from getting full closure of old emotions or beliefs or even an end to her current career. This is not the best transit to begin something new. Transiting Saturn will be in her 9th house causing her to be more realistic and cynical. Transiting Saturn will be sending its energy to her 6th house of work which can be a time when she feels stronger. She could be faced with confrontations during this time. Because Saturn will still be retrograde at this time, mixed with Jupiter retrograde there could be setbacks and delays. Rahu will be transiting her 10th house of career indicating she will be more visible. This is also going to expand her career but it may be more in unexpected ways. With Rahu transiting her 10th house this means Ketu is transiting her 4th house of home. Ketu can bring loss so this could indicate a time when she changes homes or her home life could feel unsettled. Does this potentially mean the move from the Vice President’s house to the White House? Potentially but there are mixed transits at this time. Some strong to win the election but some not as strong. Neptune is transiting her 10th house of career. This is a time when she will need to be cautious as she could not be realistic or almost delusional as it relates to her career. At this time, she has also entered her Sadi Sati period. This is not always a bad period especially if you are not in a dasha period related to Saturn or the Moon. That being said she is in her Rahu- Venus Dasha period. These two planets are in a 3/11 relationship which is a period of growth. No matter what happens during this time it will be an extreme period of growth for Kamala.

Based on her yearly chart for when she turns 60 on October 20, 2024 it will be a year where Kamala could see a rise in status and gain fulfillment of her desires. She could find that there are financial gains from her actions and the effort she puts in. This can be a year where the emphasis of her focus is on her home, lands, agriculture and education. She could see expenditures related to home as well. The lord of the year is Venus indicating a focus on health and professional status.

Kamala has some strong things in her chart but like anyone she also has areas for growth. As we head into the 2024 Presidential Election it will be one to watch and one we all remember as it will not be as cut and dry as most believe it will be.

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