Meghan Trainor Second Pregnancy

Full Natal Insights Video

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Meghan announced she was pregnant with her second child on January 30, 2023. Jupiter is the karaka (or the indicator) of children so its transits will be important. Transiting Jupiter is in Pisces her second house conjunct her natal Moon. One of the things that we do in Vedic astrology is consider transits from the Moon as well as from the ascendant. In this case Jupiter is sending its energy to her fifth house from the Moon which is one indicator she could get pregnant. Another indicator is that Jupiter is conjunct the ruler of her fifth house from the Moon (Moon is the ruler of the fifth house from her Moon). She is in her Venus Dasha and Mercury sub-dasha. This is a big trigger as Venus is in opposition to her fifth house and Mercury is the ruler of her fifth house of children. There are a lot of triggers in her chart to provide the activation if she chose to get pregnant.

Remember we all have free will. The planetary energy could be working in our favor for events but that doesn’t mean that they will absolutely happen. If you see your chart has good transits for pregnancy and your natal chart supports pregnancy and you actively try to get pregnant then the planetary energy can help in your favor. If you don’t want to be pregnant than you know that is a time to be more cautious.

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