Welcome to the final quarter of 2022! Starting November 2022, I will be just giving key dates on this part of the blog with the sign predictions. If you want to get a more in-depth description of what is happening each month and what to expect sign up for my free monthly newsletter HERE. I never spam and only send one e-mail a month unless one of the big planets is moving signs or there is something critical for you to be aware of to enhance your life/ avoid problems. Then there will be a special e-mail.
We are going to start the month off with Mercury turning direct on October 2. While we will still have a week or so of shadow period where there could still be some miscommunication or potential travel delays, we are through the worst of it. On October 9 we have a full Moon in Pisces. This can bring emotions to the surface to the point where you are feeling them more intensely then normal. This full Moon is asking you to feel deeply and bring out your empathetic side. On October 11 transiting Mercury and Jupiter will have the final of three oppositions. This can be a time of opportunity through communication, media or travel.
Mars will transit into Gemini on October 16. Mars will be turning retrograde on October 30. It will continue its short stay in Gemini until November 13 when it will retrograde back in to Taurus. It will be retrograde until January 12, 2023 so put on your patience pants. This is a time where people could be more passive aggressive. You may find some quick to anger and more hot headed. This will be a time to be extra cautious while driving as people can be more accident prone. You may find yourself feeling more irritable, frustrated and impatient. The Sun will transit into Libra on October 17 and will be here until November 16. Venus is in Virgo and will transit into Libra on October 18. This will be a welcome relief as Venus moves into its own sign of Libra bringing out the best of Venus. The big event this month is that Saturn will be turning direct on October 23 after about five months retrograde. Things should start moving forward again. But it will be squaring the August 1st conjunction degree which could bring unexpected events. We will have a solar eclipse on October 25 in Libra with the New Moon that day. This will occur at about 8 degrees. If you have any planets here or at Aries 8 degrees these planets and houses will be activated for change.
To get a high-level sense of what October 2022 will bring for you look below for your Ascendant or Moon sign. (or both!)
Aries – You will find yourself feeling stronger physically this month. It can be a great time to let your creative side out whether it be through writing, music, art, dance or athletics. It can be a great time to sign up and begin that class you have been eyeing and interested in. Don’t wait, you’ll thank yourself later. It can be a great time for promoting yourself and your skills. Don’t hide behind the curtain. It will be even easier once Mercury turns direct as communication will become less delayed and misunderstood. It will be important with communication to ensure that you are thinking through your words and not being blunt and hurtful in your ways. Be sure that you are stretching your hands, neck and shoulders to prevent injury.
Taurus – Health should be a priority this month for you. Get out and enjoy the nice days and get your exercise in while also watching what you eat and choosing the healthy food options. You may find that work is more stressful and that more demands are coming at you in your job. Starting mid-month, it will be important that you think before speaking. Your speech can be more aggressive and direct. If this is not your normal approach it can throw people off guard. If you have not been to a dentist recently, I would highly recommend getting a routine dental checkup and cleaning scheduled. Don’t procrastinate. Be sure you check in on your finances and don’t take undue risk with them at this time.
Gemini – You may find yourself getting flashes of insight and getting inspired to become more creative. Keep a pen and paper nearby so that you can write ideas down as they come to mind. Mid-month you can find yourself motivated to accomplish many things. You will have extra energy and the ability to do things quickly. If you find yourself in a disagreement you will have the ability to defend yourself as you are more aggressive this month. This comes with a flip side in that you need to assure you are not being overly aggressive to people that just happen to cross your path at the wrong time. It will be important to stay in the present and be aware as you can be more accident prone.
Cancer – You will find that your focus this month is at home and on your home. If you have been procrastinating on getting repairs completed be sure to get them done. Don’t delay any further or you could find yourself with a bigger problem then you desired. Starting towards the middle of the month and into the first half of November be sure that you keep your finances in order. This is not the time to build up debt but rather to get ahead on payments if at all possible. It will be important for you to exercise, meditate or whatever activity helps you to keep your emotions in check. You may find that sleep is less restful this month but unless your chart says otherwise this is a passing influence.
Leo – You will find yourself seeking to take on new projects and opportunities that come your way. Don’t be scared as they can put you on a path you didn’t plan or expect. You will feel stronger and more ambitious. Toward the middle of the month, you could find that your cash flow begins to increase. Enjoy this and be sure you are not letting it flow right back out the door. Stick some in savings for a rainy day. You could find opportunities presenting themselves to you just be sure you are keeping your eyes open so you don’t miss out. I would not recommend loaning money to friends as it will be more of a gift with less likelihood that you will ever see the money again. To add to this part if something comes across about making a “lot of money” and it seems too good to be true… it is. You will regret investing or buying as the only person that will get money is the one running the operation.
Virgo – You can find that money is at the top of your mind this month. Financial matters will need to be faced head on so don’t go on being an ostrich and sticking your head in the sand. You will thank me later for not doing that! Beginning mid-month- Mars will be working in your favor in your house of career. Be sure to promote yourself even though I know it may feel uncomfortable and outside your comfort zone. This is a great time to take action. Trust your gut instinct and don’t let your intellect take over and prevent you from making a good decision. This is an excellent time to plan for what you want in your future career and the potential path you may want to take (don’t get set in it as you know the Universe always guides). This is not the time to take risks on your taxes or with government/ authority figures as it could backfire.
Libra – You may be feeling satisfied with who you are and more confident in your own abilities. Take and write down you wins so that when you are feeling down you can look back and remind yourself of these. Be sure that you are paying attention to others as you could forget to consider them in your plans which could lead to some tension. Beginning mid-month, you will feel luckier and feel as if inspiration is all around you. If you are currently studying or have been looking to study a new topic now can be a great time to sign up for classes and continue your education. These can even be what some deem the pesky education classes that companies require for certifications. Take the energy of this month and use it in your favor. The choice is yours in how you approach it and if you jump in feet first or procrastinate you will end up frustrated with yourself later.
Scorpio – You can find yourself craving alone time to recoup and reset your energy. This will help you to rebuild your reserve energy as it has been depleted the last few months. Don’t feel bad taking this time. If you have a project you have been hoping to bring to completion, get it done now. This is a great time to complete it. Starting mid-month, you could find that support can come in different forms and be exactly when you need it. Be sure that you are having faith and trusting in the universe. You may find yourself with a desire to dig deep into a new topic that has caught your eye. Do it! Enjoy every minute as your research and learn all about the topic. If you have been curious about acupuncture and massage now is the time to jump in and try it… if you are already a raving fan go ahead and get your appointments booked.
Sagittarius – Starting mid-month you can find that the passion between you and your partner is higher. This can be both physically and emotionally in a personal relationship and potentially with more arguments in a business relationship. This can be a great time to get business done that can be done quickly as Mars will be working in your favor. Patience pants will be important as they will help you to deal with others who are not moving as quickly as you would like. If you are getting ready to sign any type of contract or agreement, be sure that you read over it with a fine-tooth comb. It may even be beneficial to have someone else you trust also go through to ensure that you understand all the details and nuances before signing on the dotted line.
Capricorn – This can be a time when you really have the ability to stand out in your career or at work. If you have been thinking of making a change this can be a great time to apply for new jobs and put yourself and your resume out there. The worst-case scenario is that the answer is “no” and you are not worse off than before. Mid-month can be a great time for doing the self-growth that you have been talking about for the last few months. It is a time when you can provide amazing service to others. This is not a time to decide to jump into high-risk activities as you can be more accident prone. Meaning I wouldn’t recommend jumping out of a plane for example. Keep an eye on your finances and budget as you can be prone to getting into higher debts this month.
Aquarius – You can find that a trip or change of scenery gives a much-needed break in your schedule to help you reset at the core. Be sure that you are keeping a neutral, objective perspective of others when interacting with them as you can have a tendency to be more judgmental this month. Starting mid-month, it can be a time to do fun things and/or spend more time with your kids if you have them. This can be a time to really enjoy your passions. If you have been focused on the future you are being asked to enjoy the present and all that life has to offer. You could find that you get into more disagreements with your partner. Be sure you are coming from your heart and weigh the pros and cons before jumping in. If it is something inconsequential it could be better to let it go and move on.
Pisces – You can find that your energy levels are high which will allow you to get more accomplished. You could find that tension is higher around your home as Mars is stirring it up but once Mars turns retrograde it could come out in different ways. Be sure you are staying patient and don’t be quick to react or you may make a decision you later come to regret. If you come across electrical issues don’t delay in getting them looked at and fixed. These can be higher risk especially as Mars slows down to turn retrograde. This can be a time where laugher will help to lighten the mood. Be sure you are not taking life so seriously that you miss out on the true humor. Planning for future trips can give you something to look forward to and this can be a great time to make these happen. Take the time to rest towards the end of the month as you could find you are at slightly lower energy levels and your body needs more rest to recoup.
*Note I use the sidereal Vedic system of Astrology.
These are broad high-level descriptions and your personal experiences may be different. Curious as to what the true specific personal impact may be for you? Schedule your personal birth chart reading or your update reading with me at elizabethweihmiller.com/contact – Elizabeth Weihmiller, Professional Astrologer, Author, Business and Personal Coach, Trainer and Advisor, Mind Soul Journey Academy; Strategic Alignment Partners, Inc.