What is Sidereal Astrology?

By: Elizabeth Weihmiller

I am sure everyone has heard of astrology! It is hard to miss as people talk about being a Leo or Capricorn or Aries etc. And the majority of individuals only refer to or know about their Sun sign because that is what is in the main stream media. While it’s easy and nice to want to simplify or over generalize things many will agree that doesn’t necessarily give as clear or accurate a picture of what’s really going on.

When you see me post on social media, you’ll regularly see statements such as: “Jupiter is transiting into sidereal Aries or Saturn is transiting into sidereal Aquarius or even Sun is transiting in to sidereal Pisces, etc.” Why am I specifying this? What does this actually mean?  Why should I care?  

Did you know there are different types of astrology? There is Western Tropical, Western Sidereal, Vedic also known as Eastern Sidereal, Hellenistic, Evolutionary… And the list goes on… 

After all my research, I consciously chose to be a Vedic Astrologer using the sidereal system and Lahiri Ayanamsha because I found it to be the most accurate and useful, So what does all this mean?

Vedic astrology, which uses the sidereal system, goes back to the great sages of India around 1,500 – 2,200 BCE. Vedic Astrology is also called “Jyotish,” meaning “the science of light.”  It was the basis for the formation of Western Astrology, which evolved as an easier way to calculate and look at astrology.

Sidereal takes into account the Precession of the Equinoxes. Or, in other words it looks at the fact that because of the tilt and wobble of the Earth the constellations do not stay in the same location in the sky at the exact same time of year and are slowly moving backwards. It takes into account the actual relationship of the planets to the constellations in the zodiac at any given point in time. In reality, the zodiac moves backward 1 degree every 72 years. So, in our lifetime, while it is not obvious to the human eye, the stars’ locations are slightly shifting in comparison to the seasons (but it is absolutely happening). This backward movement creates the different ages. On the other hand, tropical assumes that there is no movement and everything stays static year after year after year.   The Ayanamsha then is the difference between the tropical and the sidereal systems and it is currently a difference of 23 degrees. As you can imagine this is where changes begin to take place in our charts that can affect the accuracy of events in our life and timing future events. 

For a lot of my clients, they have done consultations for tropical charts and walk away feeling like something is off and they just don’t agree with about 50%. Then they come to me and we do the sidereal chart and their jaw drops (literally I watch their faces as we do their consultation) at how spot on this chart is and how much more they resonate with it.

Because of Precession of the Equinoxes, we currently start the zodiac at about 6 degrees Pisces. Hence why we say we are living in the Piscean age. Now that begs the question when will we actually enter the age of Aquarius? Well…..we have a ways to go.  Seriously though…we will not begin the age of Aquarius for another 470ish years at the time of this writing in 2023.  And, this may shock you as you may have heard from different Western Astrologers using the tropical system that we are either already there or significantly closer. That is due to the difference due to the wobble of the earth and the movement of the planets in relation to the actual constellations.

If you are a bit of a skeptic and have never had an astrology consultation using the sidereal system now is a great time to book your unique birth portrait consultation. It may change your mind if you are still a bit skeptical. And be honest with yourself…what do you have to lose?

Some of my best clients/ consultations were the skeptics who are open to new experiences and never turn down an opportunity to learn more about themselves (because if we are not constantly learning we begin to plateau and lose effectiveness). Don’t delay and book your personal birth portrait consultation today! I promise you will walk away with at least one ah-ha, an appreciation for your unique life journey and potential areas that you can continue to develop and grow from.  

Book HERE to learn more about your unique birth portrait.

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