Tim Walz – Democratic Nominee for Vice President of the United States

Tim Walz is the nominee for Vice President of the United States for the 2024 Presidential elections. He was the 41st governor of Minnesota from 2019 to today. Before that he was a member of the U.S. House of Representatives from 2007 to 2019. He married his wife Gwen on June 4, 1994 and they have two kids, Hope and Gus. Tim was born on April 6, 1964 in West Point, Nebraska. His time of birth is unknown.

Let’s take a look at what his unique natal chart shows us.

Tim has no time of birth, so we will be using the Moon to indicate his first house. His Moon is in Capricorn. This indicates he is dependable and will perform his duties constantly and completely. He is someone who will take a methodical approach and can be pragmatic. He can have administrative skills. He likely has a love of the outdoors and cool mountainous regions. For him things get better at middle age. He can be dogmatic, stubborn and self-serving. The Moon rules his seventh house indicating that he is someone who will identify closely with his partner. He can have a skill of relating to others. He can have success through traveling for work but this can come with fatigue from too much travel. Partnerships of all kinds will be a part of his life. The ruler of his first house is Saturn and Saturn is in his second house indicating that money matters will be a focus throughout his life. He can have strong self-esteem and a drive to improve his position in life. His family will be ae source of pride for him and he will be very devoted to them. His Moon is in the lunar mansion of Shravana indicating that he can be drawn to working for social and humanitarian causes. He can have a good marriage and gain a supportive partner. His generous side can be excessive leading to debt and this is something for him to be mindful of. He is someone who will live a balanced and modest life.

In his second house, Aquarius, is Saturn. Saturn in the second house makes him focused. He will use a structured approach and can be analytical. He will be very deliberate. He is someone who may focus more on projects than on people sometimes missing the true impact of what he is doing on the individuals. He will have to work hard for his money and can earn it through traditional or old businesses. He will need to be mindful of his heart as he can be prone to heart problems. Saturn is the ruler of his second house and being in its own house and sign indicates that he will earn money through his career or chosen profession. He can gain a position of control and leadership and could be the spokesperson for a company or organization. He is someone who will use his voice to influence others and to express power. This can be either for the positive or not so positive. Saturn is in the lunar mansion of Shatabhishak indicating that he has a desire to help heal the human condition. He needs to be cautious with this position as he can be opinionated and stubborn and may think he knows it all and is above others and can’t learn anything from anyone else. He is someone who is emotionally controlled and economical. He has the potential to be quiet but could at times blurt things out without thinking through what he is saying.

His third house is the sign of Pisces and in this house, he has Mars and the Sun. Mars in the third house indicates that he can have a competitive drive and ambition to compete and win at all costs. This placement of Mars can be hard for relationships with siblings particularly brothers. There can be fighting and conflict that drives a split in the relationship. He is someone who is determined and adventurous. He can be persuasive. He needs to be cautious as he can make questionable decisions in order to get what he wants. He may need to learn to control his temper as he could have a short fuse if he doesn’t find an outlet for the energy. He can have fast gains of wealth. He is someone who is excited about life. He needs to be cautious as he can be prone to overspending and living too big. He also needs to be cautious he doesn’t over promise. Sun in the third house indicates that communication skills will be an important part of his life and work. Traveling will be a part of his work. He is someone who is determined and ambitious. This placement can also indicate friction with his siblings. He is someone who will give aid and support to others.

Mars rules the fourth house and Jupiter rules his third house and these two are in a parivartana relationship being in each other’s signs. What this means is that these two planets can act as if they are in their own signs energetically. This is a strong yoga. When one of these planets is activated in transit the other one will be activated as well.

Mars as ruler of the fourth house in the third house indicates that his family life growing up could have had moments of contention. There can be many fights and arguments with siblings. He can gain an education in foreign countries. He has the potential to worry too much which can make him sick. Ruler of his third house, Jupiter, is in his fourth house indicating that his mother may be creative and instill the importance of education. This can give an active and happy family life especially as he gets older. The Sun rules his eighth house and being in the third can indicate that a sibling can have a difficult life or pass away. There can be tension among siblings. He can be somewhat unconventional in his approach. Sun and Mars are conjunct indicating he can have strong stamina at times. He may enjoy a spontaneous approach and react on reflex. He may be impatient, domineering and change jobs more frequently. The good news is that Mars is in the lunar mansion of Uttara Bhadrapada indicating he may be able to control his anger and aggression, offsetting some of the above-mentioned potential issues. He is someone who is very protective of his loved ones. He can have a good problem-solving ability. He may at times think too much about his own outcomes. Sun is in the lunar mansion of Revati indicating that he has a love of connecting to humanity and society. He may be promoted quickly and can be brave in the face of setbacks. He has to be cautious not to take on too many problems from other people.

In his fourth house, Aries, are Jupiter and Mercury. Jupiter in the fourth house indicates that he may prefer having a spacious home or one with a lot of land. This can indicate someone who is an educator. He may spend too much on his education or home life. This is another position that indicates a need for him to watch his heart health. He can be capable of gaining a prominent career. He is someone who can be strict but rule through a sense of justice and principles. He may be overly optimistic and motivated by unrealistic dreams or expectations. Mercury in the fourth house indicates that his mother could be progressive. He is someone who will learn through books and lectures. He is devoted to his family and loved ones. He can be a teacher of math, science or languages and other intellectual pursuits. He can be adaptable and a quick thinker. His mind is one that will keep pushing ahead. His mind wants to accomplish things too fast and he may talk too fast or stutter. He needs to be mindful that he doesn’t only think of his own needs and his approach. Jupiter and Mercury are both in the lunar mansion of Ashwini. This can be a very pioneering position. He can have a zeal and zest for life but also have a restless and impatient nature rushing off without planning ahead. He can be stubborn. He can have a desire to do things his own way. Mercury rules his ninth house and being in the fourth house indicates that his father could be a teacher and that his father and mother stay together for their lives. He can find good fortune through education, real estate and things that come from beneath the ground. This position can indicate problems with his father’s health.

In his fifth house, Taurus, is Venus. Venus is in its own sign of Libra making it a strong planet for Tim. Venus in the fifth house can indicate that he is educated and drawn to a comfortable lifestyle. He can have good social skills, be persuasive and charming. He needs to be cautious not to overindulge or live off the good graces of others. Venus rules the fifth house and being in the fifth house indicates that he can have a strong intelligence that will direct his life. Children will be an important part od his life. He can be good at weighing the pros and cons before taking risks. He needs to be cautious as he can be clever at deceiving people. It will be important for him not to lie, understate things or withhold information. Venus also rules his tenth house and being in the fifth house indicates that working with children can be a potential career. He can be someone who works in government or with business in the entertainment industry. He prefers intellectual occupations. Venus is in the lunar mansion of Krittika. This indicates that he has a determined will to achieve. He is passionate and proud. He can be stubborn at times and his life has potential to see some up and downs, especially with the right transits. He may set goals or expectations too high and respond too strongly to challenges. This indicates he can rise to places of fame and prominence.

In his sixth house, Gemini, is the node of the Moon, Rahu. Rahu in the sixth house indicates that he can think of a creative solution to any problem. He is someone who will meet opposition with courage and determination. He can have the stamina and intellectual resources to succeed. He can have a fiery temperament and be quick to pick a fight. His ambition and drive in work will give a rise in his chosen profession but he could have problems with coworkers or employees that cause conflicts. Working with foreigners can bring him success. He can have unprecedented ideas and an offbeat sense of humor. This position can also bring potential issues with his siblings. Mercury rules his sixth house and is in his fourth house indicating that his mother could have had a difficult life. It indicates that he can have the ability to handle emotional duress. This is another trigger that he needs to be really be mindful of his heart health. Rahu is in the lunar mansion of Ardra indicating that he can be stubborn and come across to others as arrogant. There is potential for ups and downs in his career. He may enjoy renovating discarded things.

Before we jump to the final planet, I need to mention that Tim has what is called a Kala Sarpa Yoga where all of his planets are only on one side of the nodes of the Moon, Rahu and Ketu. Half of his chart his empty. A Kala Sarpa yoga can bring a life that is one of fate and destiny. This will intensify all others things in his chart. Part of what happens with this yoga is that his highs in life are really high but then he can hit lows that are low. The good news is those with this tend to always achieve a higher high each time after coming through a low. Donald Trump also has this yoga in his chart.

Now finally in his twelfth house, Sagittarius, is the node of the Moon, Ketu. Ketu in his twelfth indicates he can have a strong spiritual focus. He may explore many different philosophies. His life may be about a spiritual search for purpose and meaning. Jupiter rules his twelfth house and is in his fourth house indicating he can be educated in other countries. He may prefer to live in a more isolated area. He may at times feel his sense of security is threatened. Ketu is in the lunar mansion of Mula indicating that he can have a passionate nature that wants to get to the bottom of things. He needs to be cautious that he doesn’t get caught up in blaming others or his environment when things happen. He can be skillful in persuading people to help with his goals and objectives. He can be clever. He is someone who may tell people what they want to hear to get what he wants.

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