January 2023 Astro-forecast

So, what does January 2023 have in store? Here is the January 2023 high level Astro-forecast by sign.

Look below for your Ascendant or Moon sign. (Or both, if they are different!) This will give you a general sense of what you can expect in the month of January. Just a reminder before we jump in: You can receive more information, key dates and deeper general insights by signing up for my Free monthly newsletter HERE. You are unique so if you want to go deeper into what’s coming specifically for you, book your personal consultation HERE.

Aries – Business could change and come from a fresh perspective. This can be positive so be open and embrace it. You could find your view of situations changing as new information becomes available that makes you re-think your current stance. A fresh perspective will be a breath of fresh air you didn’t realize you were looking for. You are still in a period where it is important to pay attention to the words coming out of your mouth. While you can be direct others can perceive you as being harsh. This is even more true with Mercury being retrograde.

Taurus – You can be more courageous. You can find yourself more ambitious and energized to complete unfinished projects. Now is the time to work on bringing them to completion. You could find others coming to you with new ideas. Be sure to actively listen to them. Don’t just dismiss them off the bat. You could find yourself opening up to a new way of thinking that gives you a different perspective. You can find yourself desiring an adventure.

Gemini – It can be a time to plan travel for the future which will give you something to look forward to. You are still in a period where it is important to focus on your finances and stick to your budget. Tempting as it may be to splurge…don’t. It can be a harder month for relationships and partnerships. There could be more tension or disappointments. Take the time to discuss but be sure you both are on the same page as Mercury retrograde could make communications misunderstood.

Cancer – You could find yourself traveling for work. There will be a need for you to ensure clear communication is the main component to interactions with others this month. Ensure the message is understood and clear for all involved. This is especially true with Mercury being retrograde, a period where communication in general can result in more misunderstandings. It can be a good month to give and receive love. Be sure you do things from a place of love and kindness. You are in a period where opportunities will present themselves so be sure to stay in the present and keep your eyes and ears open.

Leo – You can find yourself more creative and inspired. You are in a period that wants you to take action so be sure you are showing up fully. You will find that work is easier and more fun this month. This can be a time where a work project needs a different perspective. Look at it from different angles. Also, important this month is to be sure you are making the healthy food choices and steer clear of added sugars, which you may be drawn too. You could find yourself being comforted by being around pets.

Virgo – Spending time with family and friends who have become family will bring a feeling of warmth and happiness. You are still in a lucky period as well as a period when focusing on your spiritual practice is beneficial to you. Don’t just take the time but make the time to focus on your spiritual growth. You may find yourself inspired to be more creative or artistic this month. This can even be just getting out a coloring book and letting yourself enjoy. If you are single, it could be a time when you begin a new romance.

Libra – You could have a desire to add more color to or to change some decorations around your home. You can feel overwhelmed by all that needs to get done this month. Take a minute and breath…now go ahead and write down a list of all that needs to get done. It will relieve your mind to get it on paper. Then, just focus on getting each item completed. You’ll be amazed how quickly you begin to make progress.

Scorpio – Over the next month it will be important to check in on your budget and stick to it. If you have strayed in the last couple weeks it can be a good time to reassess and get back on track or even make adjustments as needed. This can be a month to let your creative side out. Find a new hobby or get out to see a movie, concert, the theater or even an art museum. Do this as long as it fits into your budget. You are still in a period where you could get into arguments with your partner, pick your battles wisely and practice patience.

Sagittarius – You will find your ability to communicate is stronger this month. It can be a good time to expand your knowledge and learn a new skill. Life can take on a feeling of adventure and fun so make sure you get out and enjoy. You may feel a bit of luck this month. Be sure you are clear on what you are manifesting this month. You are still in a period of focusing on health and healing. Invest in yourself and your health during this time.

Capricorn – It is a time where past memories could surface. Allow them to and process them fully this time in order to learn from them and release the energy for good. This will allow you to make room for new energy. You could find yourself dreaming of foreign travel and this can be a great time to begin planning a trip. You can find yourself desiring to get out to concerts, galleries, museums and theatre. Get out and enjoy!

Aquarius – You can find yourself spending more time with friends over the next month. It can be a time of fun filled events and connections. You will find yourself more optimistic. You can find yourself content with life. You have the ability to manifest good things in your life. Keep your thoughts positive. You are in a period where you find yourself with excess energy to burn. Focus that excess energy on those goals you want to move forward on. Burn some of the energy through exercise too.

Pisces – Meetings at work will keep you on your toes – be adaptable and open to new ideas. You are still in a period where it is good to let your creative talents show, whether that be in writing, music, dance, art, athletics, etc. When people are talking about new ideas at work or if they flit through your head be sure to capture them as they will become reality. You can see financial gains from work due to recent career success.

*Note I use the sidereal Vedic system of Astrology.

These are broad high-level descriptions and your personal experiences may be different. Curious as to what the true specific personal impact may be for you? Schedule your personal birth chart consultation or your yearly update consultation with me at elizabethweihmiller.com/contact – Elizabeth Weihmiller, Professional Astrologer, Author, Business and Personal Coach, Trainer and Advisor, Mind Soul Journey Academy; Strategic Alignment Partners, Inc.

Copyright 2023 Elizabeth Weihmiller and Mind Soul Journey Academy.

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