July 2024 Insights and Astro-forecast

What does July 2024 have in store? Here is the high-level Astro-Forecast by sign for this month. Look below for your Ascendant or Moon sign. (Or both, if they are different!) This will give you a general sense of what you can expect this month.

Remember, you are unique! So, if you want to go deeper into what’s coming specifically for you, book your personal consultation HERE.

Aries – You may find yourself going within to contemplate all the new ideas that you have encountered. If you have important matters that need to be discussed with your family now is your time…don’t let the helpful energy pass you by. You can find yourself enjoying relaxing times at home or with friends coming over. This can be a time when you feel a need to redecorate your home. If this does happen be sure that you stick within the budget you set for yourself as there can be a tendency to over spend this month. Cautious not to overindulge in food and drink this month. It is all about moderation.

Taurus – You can find yourself meeting new people. You may find yourself busy with short trips whether they be for work or fun. It is a great month to pursue intellectual activities. It can be a great time talking with others but also truly listening to them. This month everyday activities will be more enjoyable and agreeable. You could find your calendar booking up as your social life really kicks in. You have an ability to see beauty in everyday things this month. Really soak them in. You may find during this month that you are truly blessed and surrounded by love.

Gemini – You may find yourself in negotiations with others around property or money. Or you may need to help others understand where you truly stand in terms of what you truly value. This month may take you down two different paths and the choice is yours as to which you choose to follow. It can be a time where you attract material possessions, money and people. You could see financial opportunities come your way. But there is a need to watch that you don’t let extravagance and ego take over. Make sure spending this month is practical and within budget.

Cancer – You will find your mind more active this month. You may feel a need to get away and travel. It can be good to do a weekend trip to reset your energy and “scratch the itch” so to speak. Your mind may jump around from topic to topic very rapidly which could confuse others so be sure that you stay aware and don’t get frustrated when others ask for clarification. This month is a time where you will have the desire to relate to others. You will find you are more willing to compromise which is required this month. This is a great time to get together with friends, take a vacation or do something fun.

Leo – You may find yourself desiring alone time to just do what you want and be with your own thoughts. This can be a great time to meditate. This may not be the best time to openly share your opinions especially if you are doing so as a way to win over others. This is a month where you will find yourself caring for others from a selfless place. The key is not to expect anything in return as then it is not truly selfless love. You may find that if you have been struggling in your relationship that the realities surface this month and are asking you to be honest with yourself. The key is doing all you can do this month so you don’t look back and have regrets.

Virgo – You will find yourself thinking about your goals and expectations. This can include analyzing them to see if they still resonate or ever resonated. If you find that your goals were actually those placed on you by someone else then now can be a great time to think about what you want your goals to be moving forward. This is a great month to get a group of friends together and do something fun. It can be inviting everyone over to your home for a get together or going out and doing something fun. This can be a good month to attend a conference as you will do well in group settings. You will be feeling secure in yourself and more willing to help the group achieve its objectives.

Libra – This can be a time when you find yourself making plans for your career. This can be a great time to learn new things related to your profession that will help you grow into the future. If you are curious about how to move up in your career this can be a good time to have a conversation with your boss to understand better what is expected in order to achieve your goals. You can find that things are working in your favor at work and in your professional life. You will find that your energy this month attracts people and circumstances that help you at work. Your working relationships should be running more smoothly this month as you want to work with others from a place of peace.

Scorpio – This can be a great time to learn something new or sign up for a class that has been catching your eye. You are more intellectually curious right now. This can be a good time to travel. You are more open to new ideas that come up in conversations and communications with others. You will find that you have some experience this month that leads to your own personal growth. This could come in various forms and may not be a bad experience. This can be a great time to go out and enjoy a museum or concert that isn’t in your normal wheelhouse. Expand your horizons.

Sagittarius – This can be a great time to look inward and be honest with yourself about anything that comes to mind. You could find yourself in deep and intellectual conversations that get you thinking in a whole new way. This month you could find that you gain money through your spouse, a business partner or even through some other means such as an institution without extra effort on your part. This can be a good month to apply for a loan if you need one. You will find yourself learning more about how you relate to others this month.

Capricorn – This is a great time to make sure expectations are clear with your spouse, partner or business partner. If you are facing a situation that requires a specialists help this is a great time to reach out and consult with them on how to proceed. Relationships will be a focus for you. You have the ability to keep a balance between a focus on yourself and those you encounter this month. If you are single, you could find a new love enters your life. If married or in a relationship you will be able to express your love of your partner more freely. If you are in conflict with someone in your life this month’s energies will allow you to make peace.

Aquarius – You will be focused on health and work. You can be more detail oriented right now and capable of managing work that requires more brain power. You are focused on getting the practical work done. Cautious as you can be more critical of others this month. You may find you are more focused on your health and improving it. This can be a good month for work and your relationship with co-workers and your boss. You have the desire to work with others. If difficulties arise you can get them resolved through listening and discussion with those involved. On the home front, this can be a time where you need to make sure you and your partner are on the same page and in agreement. This can be a good time for your health but be sure not to overindulge in sweet or fatty foods.

Pisces – This is a great time to express your thoughts both honestly to yourself and others. This is a great time to make it clear where you stand and what you are thinking. Be sure you are still being sensitive to others as you could enjoy pulling pranks this month that affect others more negatively. This is a great month to get out and have fun. This can be going to museums, concerts or anything else that falls in the entertainment world. It can be a time when you will feel a need to express yourself more creatively. Your self-discipline may not be as strong this month so really be sure you don’t get lazy and you meet all your commitments.

Was there an event that took you by surprise that you wish you had foresight and advance warning on? Or maybe a time when you scheduled an important meeting only to have it end in an argument or misunderstanding. This doesn’t need to happen. You can have access to the heads-up you desire! You just need to CLICK HERE and subscribe to my free newsletter where you’ll get: key general dates and deeper general insights as well as the inside scoop and heads up on the coming months transits and potential. It gets sent straight to your inbox. Don’t delay or be taken by surprise. Subscribe now! AND, if you want the true personal touch with unique insights relevant just for you, you can get deeper, more nuanced personal information on impacts that can affect you personally by booking your personal consultation HERE. Understanding the impact of changes on you gives you more control over your own life and where, possible, the opportunity to bring your free will to bear.

*Note I use the sidereal Vedic system of Astrology. Curious what this means? Read about it HERE.

These are broad high-level descriptions. We each have a unique birth portrait which means your personal experiences may be different. Curious as to what the true specific personal impact may be for you? Schedule your personal birth chart consultation or your yearly update consultation with me at elizabethweihmiller.com/contact

Elizabeth Weihmiller is a Professional Astrologer, Author, Business and Personal Coach, Corporate Trainer and Advisor for Mind Soul Journey Academy; Strategic Alignment Partners, Inc.

Copyright 2024 Elizabeth Weihmiller and Mind Soul Journey Academy.

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