Jupiter Transit Taurus 2024

How will this transit potentially affect your personal ascendant or Moon sign? Remember, as I always say, you can look at either your ascendant or where your Moon is. Honestly, if they are different, it’s worth looking at both to get a true flavor of what Jupiter’s transit in Taurus will mean for you. The Moon is the indicator of our mind so the sign of your Moon will give more of what you feel or see more for yourself. While the sign of your ascendant is the material manifestation of the transit and may not be what you yourself always perceive. This is especially true if your Moon and Ascendant are different signs, which the majority of individuals do have different signs for their Moon and Ascendant.

Aries – This is a time of financial gain for you. Opportunities arise to acquire more income and expand your business. Your voice is important this next year, so speak your truth. There could be opportunities to speak or give lectures. Study new subjects. Teaching can be well received during this time. This is an excellent year to take control of your diet and work on your speech. Be cautious with your money in the sense of not overspending on unnecessary or extravagant things. Be sure that you stay true to your word – don’t make promises you can’t keep.

Taurus – This can be a time of optimism with a feeling of overall comfort. Your confidence will be on the upswing. This is the time to prepare for a new opportunity. You have a chance to move up in the world. Allow yourself to grow in wisdom. Be cautious of not becoming too optimistic that you miss red flags or neglect your responsibilities. Be sure to act sooner rather than later or the opportunity could pass. Jupiter is empowered in the first house and does indicate a time of new beginnings and projects. Be sure to maintain a healthy diet and exercise as this can be a time of weight gain

Gemini – This is a year that will be about endings and closure. It could be an end to your career, as in retirement, or it could be bringing closure to old emotions or beliefs that are no longer serving your highest and greatest good. This is not the time to begin a new business. Memories from the past will give you the gift of self-discovery and help you heal unresolved wounds. This is the year to prepare for a brand-new beginning in the following year. You know the old saying “when one door closes another door opens”. It will be beneficial for you to spend quiet time with yourself to truly contemplate and refresh.

Cancer – You should find that your cash flow is better over the next year. It is an excellent time to do things that will expand your mind, spirituality and consciousness. You could see great gains from your career or large lump sums of money. This will only come from hard work, effort and your talents. You should find you are getting more opportunities for expansion. This is not a time to loan money to friends and family unless you are in no hurry to get it back. Be sure to pay attention to your budget this year as there could be some overindulging or not paying enough attention to your finances.

Leo – Put yourself out there and get others to take an interest in you. This is a period when you can see career success. It may be in the form of promotions, recognition, advancement or congratulations from your bosses. If you are an entrepreneur this year will see the expansion of your business and prosperity. Get out and network to help build your reputation. However, be sure to keep up with your responsibilities so that your reputation doesn’t take a turn in the wrong direction. Be sure to keep yourself busy and avoid the doldrums as this can be a hinderance to you.

Virgo – You’re in for a lucky year. This is one of Jupiter’s best transits for you. You will find more fortune and spiritual knowledge. Travel will be more enjoyable for you. It can be a good time to ask for the raise you have wanted or to work on expanding your fortunes. However, it will be important not to get lazy or overspend out of optimism. Looking at the spiritual side of things can bring you an inner confidence, leading you on a positive track.

Libra – Over the next year be sure to work on those things that give the most support. Using common sense will help you accomplish that check list you put together. You could have a monetary windfall whether it be from an inheritance, marriage, insurance, divorce, or property. During this time, it will be beneficial for you to build up your spiritual reserves. Expand your health. Make sure you are getting the nutrients and exercise your body needs to stay happy and healthy. Be sure to stick to your budget this year. This is not the best time to make big commitments so take the year and see what happens.

Scorpio – This is a good year to form new partnerships – business or marriage. Be sure you are keeping your commitments with your partner. Relationships will blossom and you will find agreements and expectations are met. Growth at work and in your career are able to be more successful by learning more about your business. Some travel for work is good and it can be good, if possible, for your partner to join you on these trips. Remember, during this period diplomacy will win, so hear others out and work to understand things from their perspective. Remember to show others your gratitude.

Sagittarius – If you thought you were in for a slow year… guess again. Jupiter is transiting your house of work and will produce more opportunities and work as it moves through. You will find you get more support from co-workers or employees and that a good work environment can bring success. It is a good time to apply for a job or hire new employees. Be sure to eat healthy and get out and exercise to achieve your health goals. If you have been considering adding a new furry family member now can be a great time to bring them home. It is also a good time to repair broken personal or business relationships.

Capricorn – This is a year when new ideas will swoop in and help expand your life or business. Get out and discover new things. Go to the theater, movies, sporting events, etc. to help relieve some stress. There may be a new birth in the family or your children could get awards or have other accomplishments. Make sure that romance is a part of your year whether you’re bringing back the romance in your marriage or just starting a new relationship. It is important to think through decisions during this time – looking at the pros and cons and doing your research and due diligence. You will see doors open that introduce you to new places or people.

Aquarius – Now is the year to upgrade your skills, start new training or enter a degree program. This year may see you buying a new home or car or you may be drawn to making your current home more comfortable. Be sure you don’t delay fixing any issues with your home. Be sure you don’t dwell on negative emotions and that you spend time building relationships with your family. Celebrate birthdays and holidays bringing fun and gratification. Insurance will give your home and car the protection it needs.

Pisces – Your ability to reach people this next year will be at new levels. Communication is the key. Travel for both work and pleasure will help unlock new information, expanding your level of expertise. Creativity is at a peak and curiosity will create a fresh outlook for you. If there are classes you desire to take this is a great time to expand your knowledge as well as to learn by observing others. Be open to opportunities with mass communication, including internet or television. Take time and allow your creative side to shine whether it be through writing, acting, speaking, dancing or playing an instrument. Communication skills are sharp now but be sure to double check your writing.

Want to know more on the true personal impact these transits will have on your unique birth blueprint? Book a natal consultation at elizabethweihmiller.com. If you have already had a consultation with me in the past go ahead and book your Yearly Update consultation.

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