April 2024 Insights and Astro-forecast

What does April 2024 have in store? Here is the high-level Astro-Forecast by sign for this month. Look below for your Ascendant or Moon sign. (Or both, if they are different!) This will give you a general sense of what you can expect this month.

Remember, you are unique! So, if you want to go deeper into what’s coming specifically for you, book your personal consultation HERE.

Keep an eye out as there will be a special mid-month on what each sign can expect when Jupiter transit’s into sidereal Taurus on May 1. If you don’t subscribe to my newsletter now is the time to sign up as subscribers receive additional information not provided on my website. Sign up for the the Free Newsletter HERE.

Aries – This month may see your cash flow increase as opportunities present themselves to you. You may have mixed feelings this month on the one hand, this is a great month to get out and socialize with your friends. Make the time to have fun and enjoy life. But on the other hand, you may find yourself desiring alone time to just do what you want and be with your own thoughts. It will be important to watch your back as there can be people who pretend to be your friend that do not have your best interests at heart. This may not be the best time to openly share your opinions especially if you are doing so as a way to win over others. Avoid “get rich quick” schemes, as someone will get rich but not you, and don’t loan any money to friends unless you are ok if you never get it repaid. This can be a great time to meditate.

Taurus – This is a good month to promote yourself. It may be making it known about the projects you have accomplished at work or a project you are working on. Take action this month. Don’t overthink decisions to the point of missing out on opportunities. It is important to remember to respect your boss. It can be a good month to consider your career path and what you see as your next steps. Make a plan and start implementing it. If you are considering asking for a promotion, be sure to gauge your employers’ reactions before making demands. You will find yourself thinking about your goals and expectations. This can include analyzing them to see if they still resonate or ever resonated. If you find that your goals were actually those placed on you by someone else then now can be a great time to think about what you want your goals to be moving forward.

Gemini – This is a lucky month for you! You will feel more inspired but at the same time may feel that you cannot trust your inner knowing. It is important to remember to trust your heart and gut. It is a month to break the links to those who are controlling you or trying to control you and tell you how to live your life. Authority figures will come across as demanding your attention and respect but be aware their motivations may be unclear or hidden. Try not to get into fights with your boss or father this month as the outcome will not be favorable. This can be a time when you find yourself making plans for your career. This can be a great time to learn new things related to your profession that will help you grow into the future. If you are curious about how to move up in your career this can be a good time to have a conversation with your boss to understand better what is expected in order to achieve your goals.

Cancer – Support can come quickly this month whether it be help from others or money. This can be a great time to learn something new or sign up for a class that has been catching your eye. You are more intellectually curious right now. Your curiosity about a topic may lead you to dig deeper and learn more. You are more open to new ideas that come up in conversations and communications with others. Your mind is full of ideas and insights. Be sure to write them down and not let them pass you by. You will feel more worried and vulnerable during the month but this will pass. Check in on your health as health issues may surface this month and it is good to catch them early. This can be a great month to do a cleanse or detox for your health.

Leo – Passion will be higher between you and your partner during this month, whether marriage or business. Be mindful that if it feels like your partner is attacking your character that you let them release steam as they are likely projecting anger at others on you. It will be important to remain calm, cool and collected to allow for a favorable outcome for you. Focus on projects that can be completed quickly this month. Pay extra attention to the detail of contracts and agreements that you are signing this month. This can be a great time to look inward and be honest with yourself about anything that comes to mind. You could find yourself in deep and intellectual conversations that get you thinking in a whole new way.

Virgo – Take the initiative to improve yourself and your skills. There can be more tension and aggression at work, leaving you feeling uncomfortable. This is a good month to begin that exercise regime that you have been talking about! It will also help to release any tension building up within you. You can be prone to overheating or getting sick with fevers or heat. Just be mindful. Put your health first. Health problems with pets may be more costly this month. This is a great time to make sure expectations are clear with your spouse, partner or business partner. If you are facing a situation that requires a specialists help this is a great time to reach out and consult with them on how to proceed.

Libra – Make time to have fun this month! It can be playing with your kids or getting out and doing something fun or getting together with your friends. Inspiration may come from unexpected places or even completely out of the blue. You will feel you have a clearer vision during this period. This is a month to show your passion! Don’t make any rash decisions – take the time to cool down and sleep on them otherwise you may come to regret the decision. You will be focused on health and work. You can be more detail oriented right now and capable of managing work that requires more brain power. You are focused on getting the practical work done. Cautious as you can be more critical of others this month. You may find you are more focused on your health and improving it.

Scorpio – This can be a great month to make sure that your home has a positive flow of energy and that there is nothing that is stagnating that energy. It will be important to maintain your responsibilities to family, work and any education you may be doing. There can be some tension around your home with arguments and disagreements. Step back and wait until tensions have calmed before having the conversation. Get your car checked out to avoid any expensive problems later and be cautious while driving. Add some fun new accessories to your home. This is a great time to express your thoughts both honestly to yourself and others. This is a great time to make it clear where you stand and what you are thinking. Be sure you are still being sensitive to others as you could enjoy pulling pranks this month that affect others more negatively.

Sagittarius – This can be a great month to start working out as your physical strength is higher. Let your inner child out to play and enjoy the most of life. Use this as a time to express yourself through music, dance, writing, art or athletics. If you have siblings don’t pick fights with them this month. This can be a great month to focus on selling and self-promotion. You may find yourself going within to contemplate all the new ideas that you have encountered. If you have important matters that need to be discussed with your family now is your time…don’t let the helpful energy pass you by. At the same time, it is important to stay calm during your communications. Be the voice of calm and reason but don’t “hog” attention.

Capricorn – You will be more direct this month which brings with it the need to watch what you say. Being more direct can be beneficial but can also get you into trouble if you don’t take the time to think through what you are saying as well as who your audience is. It can be a great time for talking with others but also be sure that you are truly listening to them. You can be more impulsive with your spending this month. Be mindful and really work to stick to your budget. It will be important to take the time to sit down and enjoy your meals in order to avoid digestive upsets. It’s a good month to take a short course to learn new information quickly. You can find yourself meeting new people. You may find yourself busy with short trips whether they be for work or fun. It is a great month to pursue intellectual activities.

Aquarius – You may find yourself in negotiations with others around property or money. Or you may need to help others understand where you truly stand in terms of what you truly value. You will have more ambition and energy to accomplish your goals and to tackle things on your to do list that may have been hanging over your head. You feel able to tackle tasks that had seemed overwhelming before. You have the ability to complete unfinished projects more efficiently. Be sure to take advantage of this opportunity. While you are able to do things more quickly be aware this can also make you more accident prone so just be mindful. Pace yourself so you don’t get burned out. It is important to watch your temper and take a breath before reacting on impulse. Count to ten or take the night to sleep on it.

Pisces – You will find your mind more active this month. You may feel a need to get away and travel. It can be good to do a weekend trip to reset your energy and “scratch the itch” so to speak. Your mind may jump around from topic to topic very rapidly which could confuse others so be sure that you stay aware. Make sure that you keep your home protected this month. Double check that all the doors are locked and windows closed before leaving the house. It can be a good month to pay ahead on your credit cards to get in front of any potential debt. Take the time to look over your finances and reassess your budget as needed. This is especially important if you have not checked in on them in a while. Your sleep is more disturbed this month leaving you waking up feeling more tired. Rest assured it is a passing influence unless your natal chart says otherwise. At the office be careful what you share in confidence with others to avoid backstabbing.

Was there an event that took you by surprise that you wish you had foresight and advance warning on? Or maybe a time when you scheduled an important meeting only to have it end in an argument or misunderstanding. This doesn’t need to happen. You can have access to the heads-up you desire! You just need to CLICK HERE and subscribe to my free newsletter where you’ll get: key general dates and deeper general insights as well as the inside scoop and heads up on the coming months transits and potential. It gets sent straight to your inbox. Don’t delay or be taken by surprise. Subscribe now! AND, if you want the true personal touch with unique insights relevant just for you, you can get deeper, more nuanced personal information on impacts that can affect you personally by booking your personal consultation HERE. Understanding the impact of changes on you gives you more power over your own life and where, possible, the opportunity to bring your free will to bear.

*Note I use the Sidereal Vedic system of Astrology. Curious what this means? Read about it HERE.

These are broad high-level descriptions. We each have a unique birth portrait which means your personal experiences may be different. Curious as to what the true specific personal impact may be for you? Schedule your personal birth chart consultation or your yearly update consultation with me at elizabethweihmiller.com/contact

Elizabeth Weihmiller is a Professional Astrologer, Author, Business and Personal Coach, Corporate Trainer and Advisor for Mind Soul Journey Academy; Strategic Alignment Partners, Inc.

Copyright 2024 Elizabeth Weihmiller and Mind Soul Journey Academy.

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