Naomi Judd

A name that some know and others don’t. She is an extremely famous country singer. Known as a duet group, The Judds, with her daughter Wynonna. Naomi was born on January 11, 1946 at 6:45 pm in Ashland, Kentucky. She passed away on April 30, 2022 from a self-inflicted gunshot wound. She had talked about her mental struggles throughout her life.

Let’s take a look at her chart.

She is a Cancer ascendant which makes Cancer her first house setting up her whole chart. In her first house is a debilitated Mars retrograde. The fact that Mars is retrograde will actually cancel the debilitation and Mars will act as an exalted planet. Mars in the first house can indicate someone with a beautiful head of hair. They can be ambitious and driven. They have the ability to stand out in a crowd. She is someone who could be impulsive and prone to accidents. The ruler of her first house, the Moon, goes to her tenth house of career. This indicates someone whose life is focused on their career. Mars rules her tenth house and in the first indicates an even stronger focus on career throughout her life. Mars and the Moon are in a parivartana yoga. This strengthens these two planets to the point that they will act as if they are in their own sign. Mars also rules her fifth house and in the first can indicate that a specific talent or gift is developed in this lifetime. She can have a prominence in life. She can be drawn to amusement and her children can bring her blessings. Mars is in the lunar mansion of Punarvasu which can give her the ability to bounce back with limitless inner resources. She can be very likeable and charming. She is someone who may have loved to travel but wanted a home base to come back to. Her ascendant is in the lunar mansion of Pushya. This indicates someone who can have a caring and helping nature. She could earn a good living. She was someone who was passionate about what she believed in.

In her fourth house, Libra, is Jupiter. Jupiter in the fourth house can indicate someone who has a spacious home or a desire for a lot of land around them. Real estate could be a good investment for her. This could give her a love of art, music and beauty. She can have gains through business. Venus rules her fourth house and is in her sixth house indicating that the family could have struggled with debts. She could be emotionally uplifting to others. Jupiter rules her sixth house and being in the fourth house indicates she could be very protective of her family. Venus and Jupiter are in partivartana making each of these planets even stronger. They can act as if they are in their own sign. Jupiter also rules the ninth house and in the fourth house indicates that she could have had a desire for a beautiful home. She could have good fortune with cars and real estate. Jupiter is in the lunar mansion of Chitra. This indicates she could have a love of bright colors, possess charisma and a personal charm. She could be a wonderful conversationalist, saying the right thing at the right time. She is someone who could be overly critical at times. This could have been of herself or others.

In her sixth house, Sagittarius, are Mercury, Venus, Sun and the node of the Moon, Ketu. With this many houses in one house the house becomes very strong. Sun in the sixth can indicate that she could have had a powerful work ethic and drive to achieve. She could have a sense of service. She could be drawn to a healing profession with a focus on health. Mercury in the sixth could indicate that the nervous stress could take a toll on her body. She could have an interest in becoming a nurse or some other job focused on health. Travel could be a major part of her work – particularly by car. This placement of Mercury could bring the potential for nervous disorders and mental problems, especially since Mercury rules her twelfth house. Venus in the sixth house could indicate that she could have an interest in clothing, hair and makeup. It can indicate co-workers being primarily female. She could be a prominent person. She would have needed to be careful not to be overly indulgent. Ketu in the sixth house for her could indicate that she was very intuitive and could solve problems in unusual ways. She could have a desire to help those in need. She could have been prone to health problems that may have been harder to diagnose.

Sun rules her second house and in the sixth house could indicate an interest in health and healing. She is someone who would make money through perseverance and hard work. Mercury as ruler of the third house in the sixth house could indicate that her efforts would eventually lead her to success. Mercury also rules her twelfth house and in the sixth house could indicate an interest in health and healing matters or indicate a career as a nurse. Venus rules her eleventh house and in the sixth house indicates that her friends and associations would come through work. They could be very supportive and helpful in times of need. Her Sun- Venus conjunction indicated skills in the arts or as an actor, musician or entertainer. It could have brought friction within her love life. Ketu and Mercury are in the lunar mansion of Mula. This could have led her to feeling bound and trapped by her circumstances. She was someone who was determined to succeed. Venus is in the luanr mansion of Purva Ashada indicating someone who was proud and independent. She could have great oratorical abilities. Sun is in the lunar mansion of Uttara Ashada indicating she could be devoted to her friends. She could benefit through travel and have multiple marriages or marriage like relationships. She would have needed to be cautious as she could stay in a destructive relationship too long.

In her tenth house, Aries, is the Moon. It can indicate someone who gains fame and/or recognition from their career. She may at times have been unsure of her direction in life or her life purpose. Moon in her tenth house can indicate someone with a youthful disposition and appearance. She could have been restless and prone to burnout. She may have had trouble sleeping. Mars as ruler of her tenth house in the first house indicates that success from her career would be a defining part of her life and give her a sense of self-esteem. She could be a trailblazer. The Moon is in the lunar mansion of Ashwini. She could have had a love of horses. She could be courageous with a zeal and zest for life. She could be self-sufficient and intelligent.

In her twelfth house, Gemini, are Saturn and the node the of the Moon, Rahu. Saturn in the twelfth house can bring with it the need to let go of past hurts and feelings. She could have had a fear of being along. Sleep may have been challenging, being more disturbed or shallow. She was likely drawn to places of seclusion with a desire to live a simple life. Rahu in the twelfth house can indicate that she was capable of handling rough or unrefined individuals. She was likely oddly creative with an offbeat sense of humor. She could be prone to mental disorders. Saturn was retrograde at her time of birth which can create someone who feels alone and as if no one understands them. It could make it so that at times she could be withdrawn and depressed. She may have felt at times that it was hard for her to go on. This was expanded by being conjunct with Rahu. Saturn rules the seventh house and in the twelfth house could indicate losses around relationships that left her feeling empty. It could indicate a divorce at some point in her life. Saturn also rules her eighth house and in the twelfth house could indicate that gains come after problems and loss. She could spend too much time in seclusion which would not be good for her.

Naomi took her own life on April 30, 2022. On this day transiting Saturn, an indicator of death, had just recently entered her eighth house of death and transformation. This alone would not necessarily trigger death. Transiting Ketu was at 28 degrees 18 minutes of Libra sending its energy exactly to her natal Saturn in her twelfth house. This could be the ultimate escape from the world by choosing to take her own life. Especially with Saturn as the ruler of her eighth house in the twelfth house. Transiting Rahu was in the same sign as her Moon in wide orb but this can still be a time of paranoia for individuals when Rahu transits the sign of your Moon. This was made even stronger because she was in her Jupiter maha dasha and Rahu bhukti. Natal Jupiter is in Libra where transiting Ketu is at and that puts transiting Rahu in opposition. Adding her natal Moon into the mix and the potential for mental disturbances was increased.

She lived an amazing life and overcame many trials and tribulations in her life. She will be missed by the country music community.

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