October 2024 Insights & Astro-forecast

What does October 2024 have in store? Here is the high-level Astro-Forecast by sign for this month. Look below for your Ascendant or Moon sign. (Or both, if they are different!) This will give you a general sense of what you can expect this month.

This month I am giving insight into how the solar eclipse in Virgo may impact you. The effects of this eclipse can be felt for up to six months before it occurs and the majority is likely to be for the six months following this eclipse. Keep in mind that if you have personal planets near the eclipse degree of 15 degrees sidereal Virgo the indications of those planets will also be impacted.

Remember, you are unique! You can get additional substantive personalized insights that incorporate the many different things happening this month and over the next year by booking your personal consultation HERE.

Aries – With the solar eclipse occurring in your sixth house, you may find that you begin evaluating your responsibilities and how to maintain balance between your physical health and the requirements of your work. This eclipse could bring to the forefront responsibilities that you have been neglecting that need your attention.

Taurus – With the solar eclipse occurring in your fifth house you will find a spotlight on your heart’s desires and passions. The key themes you will find that come up are around romance, hobbies, children and creative expression.

Gemini – With the solar eclipse occurring in your fourth house this month you will find the spotlight on your home life, real estate or family. When eclipses occur in the fourth house they can trigger a move but be sure to really assess if this is appropriate. This could be a time when you have a desire to improve your home both inside and out.

Cancer – The solar eclipse will occur in your third house shining a spotlight on how you communicate with others. It can bring an increase in activity as it relates to your daily happenings including interactions with neighbors, friends and contacts. You could find your mental capacity expanding, having a desire to expand your knowledge through online classes or seminars.

Leo – The solar eclipse this month will be occurring in your second house shining a light on your finances, possessions and wealth. You could find yourself desiring to increase your wealth. You could also find yourself evaluating your own self-worth. Be open. You may find yourself enrolling in classes to gain more proficiency with a skill that you feel you need more growth in.

Virgo – The solar eclipse will be occurring in your first house this month. This will encourage you to step into your own strength and power. It will guide you to pursue your own independence. This energy could guide you to new beginnings, starting a new chapter or beginning new projects. This is a time to acknowledge your strengths and let them shine out into the world. You could have a spotlight shining on you in the form of a promotion, status change in your relationships or gaining notoriety due to some accomplishment.

Libra – The solar eclipse will be occurring in your twelfth house shining a light on the unconscious and hidden world. This can bring a time of closure, healing and release. It could bring with it a health check to put you back on the right path. You could feel as if something is off energetically with this eclipse, at times feeling uneasy or queasy. You are being pushed to figure out what needs to shift in your life as this is your minds way of telling you something is off. Dig deep into the fears that are holding you back and begin to release this. You will find that you can gain a better quality of sleep then normal.

Scorpio – The solar eclipse this month will be shining a light on your connections with others and the way you interact with your community. You may find your mind shifts in the way it thinks about your hopes, dreams and aspirations for the future. It is ok to re-evaluate and shift. You could find yourself genuinely concerned about certain causes or getting invested in groups.

Sagittarius – The solar eclipse will be occurring in your tenth house of career. This will force you to re-evaluate your career and ambitions. That doesn’t mean you should make knee-jerk reactions but be open to what comes to mind during this time. You could find opportunities presented and offers that would improve your position. You could see a promotion or bonus. If you are a manager/ leader make sure that you are showing your team the recognition they deserve.

Capricorn – The solar eclipse is occurring in your ninth house placing the spotlight on your spirituality and thoughts of international travel. Keep an open mind and take the time to lean into the messages you receive. You will find your higher mind awakening. You could find you have a shift in your outlook as new information comes to light.

Aquarius – The solar eclipse is occurring in your eighth house. This will ask you to focus within and pay attention to your true self. You may find yourself taking stock of your relationships (all types) in terms of the energy you receive and give. It is ok to step away and limit or end relationships with those who only suck your energy dry. This can also bring a focus to realigning with your partner on joint financial holdings and goals. You or your partner could receive a big raise or inheritance with an eclipse in the eighth house.

Pisces – The solar eclipse is occurring in your seventh house of partnerships. This will bring the focus on one-on-one relationships both personal and professional. If you have relationships that are emotionally empty the eclipse may bring this to the forefront asking you to make changes. You could find partners drifting out of your life if things are not where they should be. Business associates could also shift if there are differences in vision and goals. You may find you have more commitments and need to negotiate more during this time.

Was there an event that took you by surprise that you wish you had foresight and advance warning on? Or maybe a time when you scheduled an important meeting only to have it end in an argument or misunderstanding. Or travel plans that went awry or were challenging? This doesn’t need to happen. You can have access to the heads-up you desire! You just need to CLICK HERE and subscribe to my free newsletter where you’ll get: key general dates and deeper general insights as well as the inside scoop and heads up on the coming months transits and potential. It gets sent straight to your inbox. Don’t delay or be taken by surprise. Subscribe now! AND, if you want the true personal touch with unique insights relevant just for you, you can get deeper, more nuanced personal information on impacts that can affect you personally by booking your personal consultation HERE. Understanding the impact of changes on you gives you more power over your own life and where, possible, the opportunity to bring your free will to bear.

*Note I use the sidereal Vedic system of Astrology. Curious what this means? Read about it HERE.

These are broad high-level descriptions. We each have a unique birth portrait which means your personal experiences may be different. Curious as to what the true specific personal impact may be for you? Schedule your personal birth chart consultation or your yearly update consultation with me at elizabethweihmiller.com/contact

Elizabeth Weihmiller is a Professional Astrologer, Author, Business and Personal Coach, Corporate Trainer and Advisor for Mind Soul Journey Academy; Strategic Alignment Partners, Inc.

Copyright 2024 Elizabeth Weihmiller and Mind Soul Journey Academy.

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