December 2019 at a Glance

Look below for your Ascendant or Moon sign to see your December 2019 prediction.

This month there is a lot of energy in Sagittarius with Jupiter, Saturn and Ketu all transiting. This can be a lot of energy all in one house as the big planets and nodes have a big impact on our lives. Now the good news is that when Jupiter and Saturn are in the same house it does create a point of manifestation as Jupiter grants the opportunities and Saturn gives the hard work and discipline. With that said look below for your Ascendant or Moon sign (or both) to see what to expect this month.

Aries – Be open to ideas and conversations with others this month as you will gather information that will help you in the future. You will find that the passion between you and your partner is higher this month. Business ideas will come from a new fresh perspective. Be sure to pay close attention to details in contracts or agreements. This is not a time to let anger get the best of you, use patience in order to avoid disputes or conflicts.

Taurus – Take the initiative this month to improve yourself. This is a time that you are able to better recapture lost items or lost money. Take the time to see the humor in life as it is very therapeutic. Go with the flow of new ideas and thoughts that will expand your mind. Be aware and focused when driving as an accident is more possible during this time. If making decisions to buy new items be sure that you truly have the money to buy them and that you won’t be digging yourself into a hole of debt.

Gemini – Your mind is full of ideas and a need to express yourself. This month will seem like everything is sharper and clearer. You will feel more competitive this month. It is important not to make rash decisions this month especially if you have a temper. Let things cool down and count to ten. This month it will feel like expectations are falling short in love and relationships. It is a good time to renegotiate decisions relating to commitment and your expectations. Travel for work will change your typical routine.

Cancer – Your energy levels will be high this month but your temper may also be high around the home causing more disturbances. Make sure that any candles or fires you light are fully extinguished before leaving the house or going to bed. It is important to get your car inspected. You are more creative with a need to express your ideas. Get them out on paper whether it be in a journal or writing an article or even starting the next great American novel. Be sure to be open to receiving and that you are freely giving love and compassion.

Leo – If ever there was a good month to express yourself, whether through writing, dance, art, music, drama, or athletics, look no further. Work will bring itself home and you will find yourself learning new things. Be sure not to “hog” attention and to stay calm through communications. Focus on eating healthy, and getting fresh air and exercise this month. It is important to look at things from a different perspective and use the creative mind for work projects.

Virgo – Keeping a “to do” list will be helpful for you. Your speech will be more direct this month just be aware that your words and tone have power so take a deep breath. Think through your words before saying anything. While money seems to be coming in be careful not to overspend. Make the time to sit down and eat to avoid digestive upsets. You will feel a need to break out of reality, use dance, music, theater or creative writing to help. Keep your heart and mind open as they will bring a new relationship.

Libra – You will feel a rush of energy and ambition this month to accomplish many things. Take advantage of this time and feeling. It will be important to keep an eye on your temper and to be patient. Watch out as you could be more accident prone especially head related. If you have been in need of a new car now is a good time to make the purchase. However, it will be good to look for sales when doing so. Take a look at your budget and give it a refresh, updating and adjusting as needed.

Scorpio – This is a good month to get ahead on credit card payments. You feel a need to communicate and express yourself. This month your ability to communicate is strong. It’s a great time to take a class and learn a new skill with new information activating this desire even more. Movies, concerts or other art related activities can make for a brief escape from reality and all the stress. Even a short vacation can give you a sense of peace. Sleep will be more disturbed this month.

Sagittarius – Keep your eyes open as opportunities will present themselves. Be sure to take advantage of them. It can be a good month to socialize with friends. Your finances are on the upswing. Thoughts of foreign destinations will initiate travel plans. The ability to heal painful memories and thoughts of the past has never been stronger. Write in a journal to begin the healing with understanding, compassion and forgiveness. You have the strength to move forward. Watch out for backstabbing around the office that could destroy your career.

Capricorn – Drive and ambition will help you finally attract that promotion you have been eyeing. However, be sure you read the environment before just asking for one. Be sure to make the time to think through your future career goals. Optimism will open the door to new opportunities – be sure to grab them. It is a good month to update your image or wardrobe. Get out and explore museums or go to a movie or concert. Plan your next career move, if so desired.

Aquarius – It is a lucky month for you and you will find yourself more inspired. Be adaptable and open to new suggestions at work, making sure to take notes as these ideas will become a reality. Keep the lines of communication open to ensure success in a meeting of the minds. This is not the month to begin arguments with your boss as they can have a long-standing impact on your job. Use sleep as a way to refresh your body and mind this month. Memories of past relationships will surface.

Pisces – You will find yourself more curious and interested in researching matters that interest you this month. Be sure to take care of yourself this month as you will feel more vulnerable, irritable and worried. Consider trying an acupuncture session to help realign your energy and body. Keeping an open mind will open the door to new possibilities and opportunities. Recent career success will see you having financial gains. Social events and parties can bring new friendships so be sure you’re not just sticking to your comfort zone.

Curious what the true personal impact may be for you? Schedule your personal birth chart reading with me at

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