John Legend – Singer, Songwriter, Producer, Actor

John Legend born December 28, 1978 at 8:25am in Springfield, Ohio. He has won an Emmy, Oscar, Tony and Numerous Grammy’s. He is one of only 15 people to have won all four awards. He is a coach on NBC’s The Voice and won season 16. He is married to Chrissy Teigen and they have two children together.

What does his chart reveal about him? What gives John his success? Let’s take a look and find out.

John has his Ascendant in Sagittarius. Mars is at an exact conjunction with his Ascendant at 18 degrees of Sagittarius. This gives him an energy, drive and ambition as well as a competitive edge. It allows him to stand out in a crowd. He is intelligent. Mars gives him a head of hair that has waves or curls. He is not someone who can sit still and is always moving forward and fast. He is someone who is self-motivated and unafraid. He can look younger than his age. He may come across to others as being arrogant or trying to get his own way. He also has the Sun in his first house with Mars. This gives him a powerful sense of who he is but may at times be overwhelming to him. He has the ability to take command of his life. This also gives him a strong competitive drive and a desire to be number one. The Sun could lead his hair to be thinner. He can get help from people in power. He enjoys helping others and wants to do the right thing. He is someone who is concerned about being impartial and fair. He is well spoken and will jump on opportunities when presented to him. He could at some point have potential for legal problems. Yet, he could also be bossy or short-tempered at times as well as being impatient. The ruler of his first house of Jupiter goes to his eighth house. He gets good support from others and may be curious to know about hidden things or have a more mystical side. This gives him the potential for a long life.

In his third house of Aquarius is Ketu, one of the nodes of the Moon. He can think of creative ways to increase profits. He is likely more spiritual in his approach to life. He can have sudden increases in cash flow throughout life. He may sometimes feel cut off or isolated from others. He is adaptable to any situation that may come his way and he is ready for adventure and challenges. He is able to master whatever he sets his mind to. He has a desire to express himself artistically and can make friends with whoever he wants. He needs to be mindful and set expectations with others so he doesn’t get taken advantage of. He has the ability to be disciplined and focus on his artistic pursuits but will ultimately win through luck.

In his eighth house of Cancer is Jupiter. Jupiter is exalted, or at its strongest in Cancer. He is well educated and has a desire to keep expanding his knowledge. He has a soft side but is still a strong person. He is socially active with a good sense of humor and good intuition. He has a desire to work for the public good and is humane. He can earn money through others support and money can come from his marriage partner. He has a desire to understand the meaning and workings of the universe whether he has realized it or not. Jupiter is one of the indicators of children and this can make it harder to have children or they can be a great expense. He and his wife conceived through invitro fertilization.
In his ninth house of Leo is Saturn and Rahu, the other node of the Moon. He has an analytical side with a desire to help others. He can be an organized planner. His fortune will build over time. He may not be as close to his father. He is someone who thinks in ingenious ways. He could at some point in his life have potential for hearing issues. He is financially fortunate as Saturn rules his second house of money and is in the ninth house. This is a lucky position. He is dependable, persistent and hardworking. Life gets better through life experiences. He could be prone to taking on too much responsibility. He will take creative and unique approaches to business and his career. He is self-sufficient.

In his eleventh house of Libra is Venus. Venus is in its own sign and being in the eleventh house of great gains makes it even more powerful. He was in his Venus Maha Dasha when his career really started to take off. He is well respected and artistic. He is balanced in his thought and can be a good spokesperson. He is full of feelings and passion. He has good wealth and comforts. Success can come easy to him. He has a natural charm and grace about him and is good with social graces. Money can come through artistic enterprises. Hard work pays off and he will receive more opportunities over time.

In his twelfth house of Scorpio is the Moon and Mercury. He has a bright mind and is able to make decisions rapidly. Sometimes he may need to slow down when talking as his speech may not be able to keep up with his thoughts. His Moon is at its weakest state as it is debilitated in Scorpio. He can take charge and may face adversity alone. He is good at guiding others. He can however be self-isolating. He may not always express his needs as clearly as he may think he is. He can be accused in legal actions. He may be prone to spending long periods of time in seclusion or needing time to reset himself in solitude. He is spiritual and travel to foreign locations can be a part of self-discovery for him. He is very generous and can be self-sacrificing. He could have trouble sleeping. While I don’t normally use outer planets, he has Neptune the planet of film and movies in the sign of film and movies with the ruler of his tenth house of career, Mercury.

Let’s take a look at some events in his life to see what transits triggered them.

John married Chrissy Teigen on September 14, 2013. At this time transiting Jupiter was in his seventh house of relationships expanding the energy for marriage. Transiting Saturn was in Libra conjunct his natal Venus. Transiting Rahu was also in Libra conjunct his natal Venus expanding the love. Transiting Jupiter was sending its energy to his natal Venus which rules his seventh house from Chandra (Moon) as the ascendant. Transiting Rahu was sending its energy to his seventh house and he was in Sun Maha Dasha and Rahu Bhukti.

John won his first Grammy in 2006. At this time Rahu was opposite his tenth house of career. Sending all that expansive energy to his career. Transiting Jupiter was in his eleventh house of great gains conjunct Venus the ruler of his eleventh house. At this time, he was in his Venus Dasha. This empowered this energy even more.

He won an Oscar on February 22, 2015. At this time transiting Rahu was in Virgo his tenth house of career. This seems to be a key trigger for John. He won a Primetime Emmy on September 17, 2018. At this time transiting Jupiter and transiting Venus were lighting up his eleventh house of great gains and activating his natal Venus. He won a Tony award on June 11, 2017. Transiting Jupiter was in Virgo his tenth house of career. Transiting Saturn had just entered his first house of Sagittarius sending its energy to his tenth house creating a point of manifestation for his career.

We can see the impact that transits can have on activating a person’s chart through Johns’ chart. It will be fascinating to see what the next couple years has in store for him as Jupiter will begin to send its energy to his tenth house as well as to his natal Jupiter starting November of 2020.

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