Help! Mars is transiting my Mercury!

As an astrologer I see all the transits and the planets are constantly in motion (although some move faster than others). You have the big boys, Jupiter and Saturn, that move slowly and change signs every year to every two and half years. You then have the inner personal planets of Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars who move much faster, usually staying no more than six weeks in a sign (unless they are retrograde).

Mars is the planet that can bring drive and ambition. It can give courage and a competitive nature. Mercury is the planet all about communication. How we talk to others and come across verbally and in writing.

So, what happens when Mars transits your natal Mercury? Or Mercury transits your natal Mars? Or what happens when Mars and Mercury are transiting together?

Let’s put it this way. When Mars transits your natal Mercury, it is a time to really step back and be aware of the words coming out of your mouth. It is a time when your communication with others can be more aggressive and angrier. It is a time when your words can have bite to them and those words can hurt others whether you realize it or not and whether you mean them or not. Now when Mercury transits your natal Mars it may bring a time when you feel you can actually take a stand in your communication with others. Where you finally feel you can step up and voice what you have been feeling. But be cautious as it can be more aggressive in nature and may not sit well with others. The good news is that Mars and Mercury both move quickly so the results are shorter lived. But it is still important to be aware.

Now the other case is when Mars and Mercury are transiting together. This is not something that is a constant as Mercury moves faster than Mars. When it does though it can be a time when we see communication in general being more aggressive, more forceful, more fighting in words. This is when it is important to take a step back and breathe and truly take the time to think before speaking. This is when I recommend that if you have to have a conversation that could get heated to make sure you are going in to it calm, cool and collected.

These transits are not to be feared and I am not recommending you become a hermit during them. I do recommend counting to ten or taking a step back and thinking before you speak. It is a time to really practice self-awareness. As with anything we are meant to have the lessons we are meant to have but I also know by being here, reading this you are already one step ahead. Congratulations!

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