Simone Biles

Simone Biles a name many of us know. She is the most decorated American gymnast in history. She has seven medals from the Olympics and 32 medals from World Championships. She was born on March 14, 1997 in Columbus, Ohio. The time of birth I found is 12:30am but it only has an accuracy rating of C. We will use this time with caution but I do feel it works out for her. She just announced her engagement to Jonathan Owens on February 15, 2022.

Let’s take a look at her chart and see what it shows us.

Her ascendant is Scorpio making this her first house and setting up the rest of her chart. Her ascendant is in the lunar mansion of Anuradha. This indicates that she is someone who is outwardly buoyant and fun-loving. She can be popular and may have an interest in ancient knowledge or history. She is someone who will benefit more living away from her place of birth. She can be extremely focused in her goals and have great leadership and organization skills. This can bring her many opportunities to travel. It can also indicate a harder relationship with her mother. The ruler of her first house, Mars, goes to her eleventh house. This can indicate she has the ability to fulfill her dreams. Social events can involve influential people and connections that will direct her life. She can have an interest in humanitarian causes and humanitarian efforts will be a focus in her life.

In her third house, Capricorn, is Jupiter. Jupiter is at its weakest state here. This just means that she has to work three times as hard for the energy. However, Jupiter is uplifted some as Saturn, the ruler of Capricorn is in Jupiter’s sign of Pisces. This is what’s called parivartana. This strengthens both planets and they act as if they are in their own sign. Jupiter in the third house can indicate that she can make a really good writer, speaker, salesperson or consultant. She is someone who is full of determination. Creativity comes naturally to her. She may have done performing arts, like dance, in her early years. She is someone who will travel extensively throughout her lifetime. Jupiter in the house of siblings can indicate someone who comes from a large family and has more than one sibling. She can be someone who writes books and articles. Jupiter rules her second house and in the third house can indicate that she can make money through travel, teaching, writing, sales or marketing. She could at times be impatient. She will make money through her own efforts. She can benefit from artistic expression. Jupiter also rules the fifth house and in the third house indicates creativity being a major aspect of her life. She can have a desire to communicate and pass on valuable information. She can benefit from writing, sports and entertainment. The ruler of her third house, Saturn, is in her fifth house. This indicates that she is someone who has a need for self-expression. She is very intelligent. She is not afraid to take risks. Jupiter is in the lunar mansion of Shravana. This can indicate someone with a desire to uncover knowledge of the past. She can be someone who truly listens.

In her fourth house, Aquarius, are Venus and the Sun. Venus in the fourth house can indicate someone whose home is a pleasing and beautiful place. She can have a love of family. She can be well liked by others. It can indicate her having an inattentive mother. She is a dependable friend. She may be attracted to mysteries or fantasies. Sun in the fourth indicates someone who has issues with their mother. It can indicate that she may have changed residences often. She is someone who can be quick to respond. She is intelligent, creative, analytical and caring. She may at some point be more politically active. She is a hard worker. She can be headstrong and a bit of a rebel. Venus rules her seventh house and in the fourth indicates her having a partner who is concerned with family life. Family gatherings can be a source of pleasure and happiness. Marriage is likely to bring her a sense of emotional completion. Venus also rules her twelfth house and in the fourth can indicate her mother having experienced a difficult life. Sun rules her tenth house and in her fourth house can indicate that she will acquire valuable fixed assets. She could be interested in real estate as in sales, renovation or interior design. Venus, the Sun and Mercury, which are in her fifth house, are in the lunar mansion Purva Bhadrapada. This indicates that she can have good logical skills. She can be someone who has more serious conversations. She may sacrifice for a higher cause in order to make a difference in the world. She can be passionate. She has excellent speaking abilities which can give her the ability to sway the masses.

In her fifth house, Pisces, are Mercury, Saturn and the node of the Moon, Ketu. Mercury in her fifth house indicates that she can be sensitive, intuitive as well as mentally probing. She can have good business skills. She can have a good sense of humor. Saturn in her fifth house indicates that she is true to her word. Her wealth will build up over time. She can have issues with family sometimes. She can have a very deep-thinking process. To others the process can appear to take time and seem slow but she retains the knowledge with a deep comprehension. She needs to be sure she doesn’t take undue risk with taxes otherwise she could have issues with the IRS. She is someone who is an old soul. Ketu in her fifth house can indicate that she might be a source of inspiration to others. There could be many changes in life that create opportunities for growth. She is someone who has a profound understanding and compassion. Mercury rules her eighth house and in the fifth house indicates that she can gain through relationships. She can have a true intelligence and may enjoy solving mysteries and puzzles. Mercury rules her eleventh house and in her fifth house can indicate humanitarian work being a part of her path. She can find success as a teacher or in the sports and/or entertainment industry. She is smart with the ability to good get opportunities. Ketu and Saturn are in the lunar mansion Uttara Bhadrapada. This can indicate that she has discipline with her writing and speaking abilities. She has the ability to control her anger. She can be very protective of her loved ones. She can have a good problem-solving ability and will tend to make money on her own.

In her seventh house, Taurus, is the Moon. The Moon is exalted in Taurus. Moon in the seventh house can indicate someone who is imaginative. She has the ability to relate well to others and be social and charming. Recognition can come from her chosen career path. She can be very grounded. She is someone who gets others’ respect. There could be times when she is overly controlled. The Moon rules her ninth house and in her seventh house can indicate that she will get a lot of advantages from being married or in a partnership. She is someone who really knows how to relate well to other people. Her Moon is in the lunar mansion of Krittika. This indicates that she is determined and has a tenacious will to achieve. She can be passionate and ambitious. She could have a bit of a stubborn streak. She can set her goals and expectations very high and needs to be cautious she doesn’t burn herself out by doing this.

In her eleventh house, Virgo, are Mars and the node of the Moon, Rahu. Mars in her eleventh house can indicate that she is someone who can get results quickly. She can have good analytical skills. Her mind may at times be overactive. This can bring with it a love of athletic groups or sporting events. She can get great wealth from her career through her drive and ambition. Rahu in her eleventh house can indicate that she needs her alone time to recoup and refresh. She can be resourceful and think in unusual and creative ways. This can indicate that her mother may have been separated from her. Simone can know many influential and powerful people in her life that give her opportunities, all hers for the asking. Mars rules her sixth house and in her eleventh house can indicate that hard work is beneficial for her and it will pay off. It can indicate her having the ability to defeat opponents and come out ahead. Mars and Rahu are in the lunar mansion Uttara Phalguni. This can make her very level headed. She can associate well with people in power and get financial benefit from the connections. Friendship is important to her. Rahu and Mars are the same degree which can indicate that she will have a lot of energy and may take an unusual approach to getting things done.

Simone announced her engagement to Jonathan Owens on February 15, 2022. At this time Jupiter was conjunct the ruler of her seventh house, Venus. This granted opportunity for this event. She is in her Rahu maha dasha and Saturn Bhukti. Her natal Saturn is sending its energy to her seventh house. Transiting Rahu is transiting her seventh house of relationships. This expands and brings our desires to us. While she does have three positive hits that is usually the minimum I look for.

Simone won four gold medals at the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro. At the time of these games both Rahu and Jupiter were in Leo expanding her tenth house of career. Jupiter was bringing with it opportunities. With Rahu and Jupiter in her tenth house of Leo they were also in opposition to the ruler of her tenth house the Sun which gave even more positive energy to her career. Saturn was transiting her first house giving her the discipline and it was also sending its energy to her tenth house of career. With both Saturn and Jupiter giving energy to her tenth house of career it became a point of manifestation for her. She was in her Rahu maha dasha and Rahu bhukti making the transit of Rahu even more powerful through her tenth house. It also activated her natal Rahu in her eleventh house of great gains.

I think Simone is one to keep an eye on and see what she does moving forward for her career.

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