Tiger Woods Severe Accident

On Tuesday February 23, 2021 Tiger Woods was in a severe single car rollover accident. When officials responded to the scene, they needed to use a crowbar and ax to get him out of the car. He was taken to the hospital with significant orthopedic injuries to his legs. As a result of the accident, he had multiple breaks in his legs. He will have a long road to recovery after successfully making it through surgery. The cops, for their initial investigation, did say it was truly an accident and that he was not under the influence of any substances.

What transits triggered this event in his chart?

Transiting Saturn was conjunct his natal Mercury. Mercury is the ruler of his 1st house which is his body. And Saturn, as ruler of the 6th house of health issues, can indicate an accident. Transiting Mars had just moved into his 9th house with his natal Mars. Mars can indicate accidents. Transiting Ketu was conjunct his natal Moon, ruler of his 11th house. The ruler of the 11th house is notoriously hard for a chart. As well as being conjunct his natal Venus which rules his 2nd house, a maraka or “killer” house. Transiting Ketu was sending its energy to his 7th house, Pisces, and 7th house ruler, Jupiter, also a maraka house/planet. His natal Jupiter was also receiving energy from transiting Saturn, ruler of his 6th house of health. This accident could have had a very different outcome and Woods is extremely lucky. Transiting Saturn was also in opposition to his natal Saturn indicating the potential for a health issue. Transiting Jupiter was sending its energy to his natal Mars which can expand the potential for accidents. Transiting Rahu was within 2 degrees of his natal Mars which is expansive and extreme and can indicate a chance of an accident especially given both Jupiter and Rahu were about exact to his natal Mars, ruler of his 8th house of death and transformation.

He is currently in his Mars Maha Dasha and Rahu sub dasha. These two planets are in a 6/8 relationship with each other meaning that this can be a period that has more health issues, potential for more accidents and an overall harder time. This period started on November 9, 2020 and will last until November 28, 2021. With Mars getting hit with all the transits and being the ruler of his 8th house, this was an even more potent time for him. He is currently in his chara dasha, sign-based system, of Taurus. We see that his Mars is in Taurus which activates his natal Mars even more.

To read fully about Tiger Woods go check out the following two articles. 1) Masters Win and 2) Downfall of Marriage and Career

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