Winds of Change

I am sitting in my kitchen watching the 35 mph winds going through my area with gusts up to 60 mph every so often. It has made me think of a few very relevant things that can be learned from the wind.

  1. Be Flexible – When change blows in like it is likely to do it’s important to be flexible like the branches of a strong and sturdy oak they move with the winds instead of trying to resist the inevitable. It can either be flexible or it can be knocked down. We as humans can learn a lot from these beautiful giants.
  2. Keep Life Decluttered – It is vital that we keep our minds, body, soul, closets, and houses decluttered of anything that is weighing one down. It is time to let go and move forward. The wind helps the trees to declutter by blowing out the deadwood from its crown and branches. It helps to make the tree even more flexible for the next wind of change that will arrive. It’s also even better when you proactively take time to declutter before the wind of change does it for you.
  3. In Like a Lion, Out Like a Lamb – The old expression says that when March comes “In like a lion, it will go out like a lamb.” Well, change has a funny way of coming at us actively and the more we resist, the more it holds strong like a lion watching over its pride. As we finally see and make the changes that need to be made change becomes the cuddly, tame lamb going in the direction that is best for success.
  4. Go with the Flow – There is a guy who runs past my house in almost all weather except the worst of it, 7 days a week. It is rare when I don’t see him running. To my surprise, he, was out running today in the crazy 35mph winds. He was clearly pushing hard against the wind resistance. I think the best approach when change comes at you is to really listen to your gut and to go with the flow. Instead of fighting against the wind, flow with it, let it push you in the direction it thinks is right for you. (Don’t get me wrong there is a difference between going with the flow and following the crowd, there is a time to push back in life.)
  5. Embrace the Present – The wind reminds me that there are times when we have no control of circumstances that arise. We need to embrace the present and enjoy each day for what it has to offer. Whether it’s good, amazing, bad, horrible or indifferent. When we embrace the present, we allow a couple of the before mentioned points to occur. We are flexible and able to go with the flow, which will enable us to be more adaptable when change comes knocking. Life will never give you more than you can handle but it’s how you show up each day that will determine how the winds of change will guide and impact you.

We all face change. It seems to be coming faster and faster than ever before. There is no reason to fear it as it will happen whether you fear it or not. But remember some people feared the winds of change through many of our past evolutions including for example when cars were first introduced, and now it is hard to imagine a world without them.
Until next time!

P.S. When the winds of change arrive it is more important than ever to ground from within. Go check out my earlier blog post Grounding from Within for tips on that.

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