News broke that Ivana Trump, first wife of former President Donald Trump, passed away at 73. No official cause of death has been released at the time of this writing. She was born on February 20, 1949 at 12:55am in what is now Zlin, Czech Republic. She was a business woman, fashion designer and media personality.
Let’s take a look at her chart.
Based on the above time of birth Ivana is a Scorpio Ascendant. This sets up her chart and makes Scorpio her first house. In her first house she also has the Moon. Moon in the first house can indicate that she could feel and sense everything in her environment. She may have desired to be near water and found it soothing. For her life can have many unpredictable turns and events with constant changes in her daily activities. She could have been prone to mood swings. The Moon is weaker in Scorpio meaning Ivana would need to work harder for the energy of this planet. She could have great innate talents. She could be good at correcting and guiding others. She would have needed to work on expressing her needs clearly. She could also be prone to marriage problems. Mars rules her first house and is in her fourth house indicating that she had a desire to connect to family. She could have an interest in real estate, home design and construction. She could be prone to heart and chest problems. Moon rules her ninth house and being in the first indicates that her father could have been a big support in her life. There is a certain amount of luck with this placement. She may have been on a constant search for meaning and purpose throughout her life. She could benefit from long distance travel. Her ascendant is in the lunar mansion of Vishakha indicating that she could benefit through marriage, traveling and through change. She could be extremely competitive and was someone who would not give up until she achieved her goals. Moon is in the lunar mansion Anuradha indicating that she was outwardly buoyant and fun-loving. She is someone who would do better living away from her place of birth. She had the ability to work well in large groups of people.
In her second house, Sagittarius, is Jupiter. Jupiter is in its own sign. She was someone who was influential, cultured with a capacity to inspire and lead others. Jupiter in her second house indicates that wealth and money come easy. She could have a powerful voice that dictated opportunities throughout her life. This can indicate her marrying a wealthy partner. There could have been extremes of chaos in her childhood. Jupiter rules her second house and in the second indicates she is someone who would make money through her profession and career. She could gain positions of control and leadership in business. Jupiter also rules the fifth house and in the second house indicates that financial status can come from her ability to contemplate and think things through. Her children could bring her financial opportunities. She could earn through entertainment, sports or speech. She could benefit from corporate money. Jupiter is in the lunar mansion of Uttara Ashada indicating she was someone devoted to her friends. She could have had some knowledge that set her apart. She may have enjoyed reading to gain knowledge. She could have multiple marriages or marriage like relationships.
In her third house, Capricorn, are Mercury and Venus. Mercury in the third house indicates that she could be extremely convincing. She could be talented in many ways. She could have a talent for learning languages. She could be drawn to business and be good with the details to the point of being overly detailed. She could be smart about protecting her own interests. Venus in her third house can indicate a love for the arts and a gift for creativity. She could be good at communicating. She could be loyal and responsible. She may have had a love of solitude. She could come across as cold and unfeeling at times. Venus rules her seventh house and in the third house indicates that marriage could have its ups and downs due to her partners hardheadedness. She could marry a determined partner. Mercury rules her eighth house and in the third house indicates that she could have an uncanny communication ability. She could have abilities in acting, art and music. She could have been more bohemian or unconventional in her approach. Mercury also rules her eleventh house and in the third house indicates that she could succeed through determination and perseverance. She could be persuasive and friendly. Mercury and Venus conjunct indicates that she had charming manners, a fun-loving disposition and would enjoy the more creative or imaginative side of business. Mercury is in the lunar mansion of Shravana indicating that she had the ability to truly listen. She could have a good marriage and helpful partner. Venus is in the lunar mansion of Dhanishta indicating an ability to earn a good living. She could do well in foreign countries. She could be a good conversationalist. She could be someone who was motivated to accomplish things and develop her career. She could select partners who are often very different in personality and outlook. She could have a knack for being at the right place at the right time.
In her fourth house, Aquarius, are the Sun and Mars. Sun here indicates her being creative, intelligent, inventive and caring. She had the capacity for thinking in new ways. She could be active in matters connected to clothing, homes and vehicles. She could have an active family life. Mars in the fourth indicates a strong capacity to action and an ability to solve problems quickly. She could have a love of adventure. Her early home life could have been full of despair. She could acquire good real estate in her life. She is someone who would benefit from cars, real estate and land. This can be a big indicator of heart ailments. Sun rules her tenth house and in her fourth house indicates working with real estate in sales, renovation or interior design. She could also be involved in the housing, hotel or similar industries. Mars rules her sixth house and in her fourth house indicates that she could have potential heart or chest problems. Saturn rules her fourth house and is in her tenth house of career indicating success in the real estate or hotel business. She could be prone to heart problems with this placement as well. She had the capacity to build up others’ emotions. Her Sun and Saturn are in parivartana which makes them stronger and they will act as if they are in their own sign. She could have a competitive spirit and may enjoy a spontaneous approach. Sun and Mars are in the lunar mansion of Shatabhishak. Ivana may have been very mystical. She could be visionary. She could be prone to moodiness, loneliness and depression.
In her sixth house, Aries, is the node of the Moon, Rahu. Rahu in the sixth house indicates that she had the ability to think of creative solutions to any problem. She was someone who would meet opposition with courage and determination. She could provide exceptional customer service. She could have a fiery temperament especially with Rahu in Mars’ sign of Aries. She could have an ambition and drive at work that could give her a rise in her chosen profession but there could be problems with co-workers and employees. She could have a strong desire to get things done. She would pursue things with passion. Rahu is in the lunar mansion of Ashwini. This indicates her as courageous with a zeal and zest for life. She could be restless and stubborn. She could be someone who gives uplifting energy to others.
In her tenth house, Leo, is Saturn. Saturn here could indicate that she was hard-working and persistent. For her, life could get better later on, once she has more experiences. For her career success would come from hard work, discipline and experience. Her father could be a self-made man who came from a harder life. She could have been uncertain about life at times. Saturn rules her third house and in the tenth house indicates that she could have good finances and career development. She could have a career in writing, sales, communication nor expressive arts. Saturn is in the lunar mansion of Magha indicating that she could enjoy gong first class and the finer things in life. She could be prone to getting involved in an affair if she felt unloved. She could have leadership abilities and come into leadership roles. She could have a deep loyalty and be very generous. She would have had to watch for arrogance and egotism so that it didn’t become a problem.
In her twelfth house, Libra, is the node of the Moon, Ketu. Ketu in the twelfth house indicates that she may have spent time in seclusion. She could have trouble maintaining relationships. She may have had a desire for a deep love that is not of this world. She could have quick adaptability in business and the ability to deal with a multitude of personality types. Venus rules her twelfth house and is in her third house indicating that she was someone who may have been determined to get enlightened. Ketu is in the lunar mansion Chitra indicating she could be elegantly restrained. She could have skills in business. She may have been drawn to serious subjects of philosophy and social thought. She was someone who was well dressed and groomed. She could possess charisma and personal charm. She had the ability to say the right thing at the right time. She was someone who would be motivated by opportunities outside her place of birth.
Let’s look at the transits on the day of her death.
Ivana was found unresponsive on July 14 in her New York home. At the time of her death Saturn had just reentered her third house with a conjunction to the ruler of her seventh house. Saturn can be an indicator of death and the seventh house is known as a maraka house. Transiting Mars was in Aries in her sixth house of health conjunct her natal Rahu and conjunct transiting Rahu and Uranus. Indicating a more unexpected event. Transiting Venus ruler of her seventh and twelfth house was in her eighth house exactly conjunct her natal Uranus. Another indicator of an unexpected event. Ivana was entering into her nodal return at this time. This can be a period of change for individuals. She had just entered Mars Maha Dasha and was in her Mars sub-dasha. This put a lot of emphasis on her fourth house where Mars is and it is conjunct the Sun. Transiting Ketu was sending its energy to her natal Mars ruler of her first house, who she is, and sixth house of health.
If you want to learn more about how to leverage your birth chart and minimize risks inherent in it reach out for a personal reading or coaching. Elizabeth Weihmiller at, Professional Astrologer, Business and Personal Coach, Trainer and Advisor; Mind Soul Journey Academy, Strategic Alignment Partners, Inc.
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