I had previously done Nancy Pelosi a few years ago based off her Moon as her birth time was up in the air. (Read off the Moon Here) But the time I found seems to describe her very well. She was born on March 26, 1940 in Baltimore, Maryland. When doing research, I found 3:10pm as a possible time of birth for Nancy Pelosi. This is given a “B” Rodden rating meaning it is not confirmed but it is based off a biography or autobiography. If this time is accurate this would make her a Leo ascendant. Many politicians are Leo ascendants. This makes the ruler of her chart the Sun. Her ascendant is in the lunar mansion of Magha. An ascendant in this lunar mansion can indicate someone who likes to be in leadership roles. She can enjoy having a prestigious title attached to her name. She can hold traditional values and have a strong ambitious drive for power and wealth. She needs to watch out not to become too based in her ego and arrogance. Her Sun goes to her eighth house indicating that life could have been a struggle early on. She may be curious to know about hidden or secret things.
In her second house, Virgo, is the node of the Moon, Rahu. This can indicate chaos in her early childhood which could create some emotional problems throughout her life. Although we as the public are not likely to see this. She can earn large amounts of money but there is potential for it to be lost through extreme spending. Speech is a big part of her life but she will have to be cautious with her words as foul language and yelling could get her in trouble. She can project an air of disrespect which others do not appreciate. She needs to be cautious as she could speak poorly of others which will reflect on her character. Mercury rules her second house and is in her seventh house. This can indicate an accumulation of money through business transactions. Rahu is in the lunar mansion of Chitra indicating she is someone who is well dressed and groomed. She can be drawn to more serious subjects of philosophy and social thought. She can have a personal charm and charisma with the ability to say the right thing at the right time. She needs to be cautious as she can be quick to challenge someone’s point of view without any real reason for it.
In her third house, Libra, is the Moon. Moon here can make her smooth and persuasive. She can have good wealth and comforts. She is someone who enjoys pleasant and comfortable surroundings. Traveling will be a major part of her life. She will be someone who needs to use her writing and communication skills. She is not someone who thinks about defeat. While she can have the ability to be a good listener, she may have times when she needs to talk less and listen more. The Moon in this placement could give her potential for hearing issues. Venus rules her third house and is in her ninth house. This indicates that her life can include traveling and teaching. She can go on both short and long-distance trips. She does need to be cautious while traveling overseas as she could encounter contention. The Moon is in the lunar mansion of Vishakha. This indicates she can be clever and determined. She can benefit through marriage, traveling and change. She is someone who is able to concentrate on her goals and overcome obstacles. She can be extremely competitive and won’t give up until she has achieved her goals. She needs to be cautious as she may want to force her will and ideas on others. The big things is she can be extremely nice until she gets what she wants and she won’t hesitate to step on others to get her way.
In her seventh house, Aquarius, is Mercury. This can indicate that her partner is fun and easy to be with because of his communication skills, intelligence and sense of humor. It can indicate her being attracted to someone younger (her husband is in fact a few days younger). She has natural communication skills and this could indicate her as the spokesperson for a business. She can be very clever at getting what she wants out of business and relationships. She needs to be cautious as she could have trouble through written documents and contracts as a result of lack of thinking fully through her actions. She may have trouble dealing with uncertainty. Saturn is the ruler of her seventh house and it is in her ninth house. This can indicate that she met her husband through college. Mercury rules her eleventh house and being in her seventh house indicates that her relationships could be complicated with many people meddling in the middle. She is not someone who believes in the word “can’t” and she can be a sweet talker. Mercury is in the lunar mansion of Purva Bhadrapada. This indicates that she can gain prosperity through cleverness. She can gain money from the government or wealthy people. She could marry into a wealthy family or be born into one.
In her eighth house, Pisces, are Sun, Jupiter and the node of the Moon, Ketu. Sun in the eighth house indicates she can be a dreamer and idealistic. She can be a popular leader and well liked. She may be unreliable in her word at times. This can bring a test of humility that could come through a disgrace. She may seek power and self-confidence through unethical means. She can gain money and support from others. She may have problems with authority figures or her father. Jupiter in the eighth house indicates she can have a good family life with prosperous children. She can be very good at handling people. She needs to be cautious as she can be overly idealistic at times. There can be a side of her that really seeks to understand the meaning of this life. She can gain money through her marriage partner. She may at times feel like she isn’t getting the recognition she deserves. Ketu in the eighth house indicates that she could be a source of inspiration to others. There could be a lot of surprises and upheavals in her life. She can have a desire to uncover things that have been hidden. She may get money suddenly through unforeseen circumstances. She can be really adept at getting money or support from other people. She may at times get easily agitated but she has the offset in another part of her chart that she can control this.
Jupiter rules her fifth house and is in her eighth house indicating she may enjoy (in her free time) reading or watching fantasy or science fiction. She may at times feel like her mind is all in a jumble. Jupiter also rules her eighth house and is in its own house indicating she may constantly be analyzing herself. She can gain support from many different places. Sun is in the lunar mansion Uttara Bhadrapada indicates that she can be disciplined in her speaking abilities. She has the ability to control her anger. She can be very protective of her family and those she loves. She may have a love of solitude indicating she needs her alone time. She can gain wealth through inheritance. She can be an impressive speaker and have good problem-solving abilities. Her Jupiter and Ketu are in the lunar mansion of Revati. This indicates that she may have a desire to connect with society. She can benefit from living by the water. She is someone who can be spiteful when hurt or jealous.
In her ninth house, Aries, are Saturn and Venus. Saturn is at its weakest state in Aries meaning that Nancy will have to work harder to achieve this energy. This can indicate that her father could be stern and controlling with many rules for her growing up. She can be an organized planner. She is someone who will work long and hard to accomplish her goals. She has the ability to stay focused on the task at hand. She can push her objectives through oppositions. She can be critical and may at times appear cruel. Venus in the ninth house indicates that blessings and money can come from her father. She can use compassion and understanding as a means of communication, which can indicate her great social skills. She has the ability to relate well to others. She can get help from her father or people in authority positions. This can indicate getting published at some point in her life. She can be charming and good at the art of persuasion. She may at times ignore common sense in the name of passion. Saturn rules her sixth house and is in the ninth indicating that she can earn through providing service. She can have a lot of tiring long-distance travel in her life. Saturn is in the lunar mansion Ashwini indicating she can be a pioneer and have a real zeal and zest for life. She can have a restless and impatient nature and rush off without planning ahead. She can have a stubborn side. She enjoys dressing well. She is someone who wants to do things her own way.
Venus and Mars are in a parivartana yoga. This means they are in each other’s sign of rulership. This can make them more powerful and any time one is activated in transit it activates the other. Mars rules her ninth house and is in the tenth house indicating that her father could inspire or initiate her career. She can be very fortunate in terms of the circumstances and opportunities involved around her career and reputation. This position really does give a great career and is made even stronger with the yoga just mentioned. This position can indicate her being a political head, leader or business person. Venus rules her tenth house and is in her ninth house indicating that her father or a teacher can have a positive influence on her life and career direction. She can have a high-level career with abundant favor and blessings. Venus and Mars are in the lunar mansion Krittika indicating she has a determined and tenacious will to achieve. She can be ambitious, passionate and proud. She takes pride in her work and what she does. She may not always be open to advice from others and will respond strongly to a challenge. This can indicate her rising to a place of fame and prominence even more so since Venus rules her tenth house and Mars is in her tenth house.
In her tenth house, Taurus, is Mars. Mars in the tenth house indicates that career success can come from a strong ambition and drive. She can find career success early since Mars is in parivartana with Venus. She can be a leader who knows how to give direction. She is not afraid to innovate and will pursue her goals until she has accomplished them. She can take quick action to get results. This placement can also make her charming and persuasive. She can be a sweet talker and good sales person. She may be viewed by others as self-serving. Mars rules her fourth house and in her tenth house indicates that her mother may have worked to provide a good family life. Her parents could be successful and have a powerful presence in the community. Her mother could have played a role in her career. Nancy can be a leader and have skills in politics.
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