The Power of Energy

I’ve always believed in the power of energy. Whether it’s as simple as, your thoughts creating your reality, to knowing energy can heal. Hence why I’ve gotten certified to practice Reiki, which uses energy to heal the body.

Nothing prepared me for the true power of energy that I would discover among the Inca ruins of the Sacred Valley and Machu Picchu, Peru.

Let’s back up a few days. We landed in Lima, Peru; everything was amazing. Experiencing new sites, a new city and new food… or I should say less processed food. I’ve never had an eggs benedict as good as the one I had in Lima. Next stop was flying up to Cusco to spend five days exploring the Sacred Valley, Machu Picchu and Cusco itself.

Everything seemed great but that morning flying up to Cusco something in my body just didn’t sit. (Partially food but I know for a fact it was an experience I was supposed to have energetically.)  I was able to use Whole Brain position to balance my body temporarily to get through the flight, the two-hour bus ride down to the Valley, lunch and a couple of tours before finally arriving at our hotel.

Let me tell you I was so happy to finally be at the hotel, where I could relax, and my body could release its issues. It took pure energy and strength to make it. At that point the thought of even eating made me queasy so I just stuck to water and Gatorade for the electrolytes. 

Day 2 in Sacred Valley we were touring ruins and a small town of the area, getting a chance to meet local craftsman. Again, food did not appeal. At this point, I hadn’t eaten in about a day/ day and a half.

Somehow, I was still going strong energy wise. There was just something in the aura of the area. Anytime I did attempt to eat it did not end well. So, we left Sacred Valley to head to the train up to Machu Picchu. I had slowly started trying the bread and found small amounts seemed to be the only thing to sit.

By the time we hit Machu Picchu, I was already down five pounds since leaving home. (Not how one should lose weight.) But the pure energy of Machu Picchu helped to get me to the top to enjoy the full experience and view of this incredible site. (See picture below)

The true power of energy was incredible!  It just guided and refueled me. I didn’t need the food, only water, and the energy aura managed the rest.  It is through the sheer power of what the Inca people had built and the energy of this area that I was able to enjoy and be one with the area truly. The people on our tour with us were amazed because they had seen my inability to eat and yet there I was happy and full of energy. Standing strong.

Machu Picchu was a definite bucket list item, and it was just…. Well, there are truly no words to describe it and the feel. It’s one you have to experience for yourself. We headed to Cusco which had a very different energy. Not one I can say I want to visit again. It was frenetic, almost off-balance energy and I was thrilled we only had a half day there before heading to meet the cruise ship.

Energy is everywhere whether you believe it or not. We as humans are purely energy. I say embrace it and learn how to really feel and harness the energy for the better.

Ask me how Reiki could benefit your life or if your ready for your own personal Astrology reading schedule it here.

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